Molotov Terror Again, PDIP Cianjur Office Becomes Target
Molotov that was thrown at the secretariat of the PDIP Cileungsi (DOK. Special)

BANDUNG - Terror throwing Molotov again targeted the PDI Perjuangan (PDIP) office. After Megamendung and Cileungsi, now the PDIP Cianjur DPC is being terrorized.

This Molotov throwing took place around 01.00 in the morning. One bottle of Molotov was thrown at the front wall of the secretariat.

"There is no damage, only black marks," said Cianjur Police Public Relations Officer Ade Novi Dwiharyanto when confirmed by VOI, Friday, August 7.

The perpetrator of the throwing was caught by a surveillance camera (CCTV). The perpetrator of the recording used a motorbike when he visited the DPC PDIP Cianjur.

"For the time being, we are still studying the perpetrators," said Ade Novi.

The previous terror occurred at the house of the Deputy Chairperson of the Bogor Regency PDIP DPC, Rosenfield Panjaitan in Megamendung. In terror on Tuesday, July 28, three Molotovs were thrown at the house which was used as the office of the PAC PDIP Megamendung secretariat.

The next day, Wednesday, July 29, the PDIP secretariat office in Cileungsi was terrorized. There were 3 Molotovs that were thrown.

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