Russia Says India And China Have Potential To Become First Buyers Of The Next-generation S-500 Air Defense System
S-500 air defense system (Source: Russian Ministry of Defense Press Office via TASS)

JAKARTA - Russia says India and China have the potential to become the first buyers of the latest generation S-500 air defense system, after meeting the mandatory quota for the domestic military.

This was said by the Director of the Russian Federal Service for Military-Technical Cooperation Dmitry Shugayev. In an interview with media group RBC on Tuesday, he said that apart from these two countries, several old Russian partners also have the potential to possess these weapons.

"We consider India, as well as China and all the states with which we have a long-standing, partner and predictable relations as potential buyers of this latest system", the defense official said in response to a question about whether India could be the first foreign buyer of the S-arms. 500 made in Russia, citing TASS 2 November.

Shugayev stressed that, as Russia's longtime strategic partner, India is on track to acquire these advanced weapons. Moreover, India has previously purchased the S-400 from Russia.

"We have completed the contract for the S-400 and they will receive the first battalion set of this system by the end of the year. That is why it is quite logical that they will show their interest in the future and ask for the S-500 from us as well", explained Shugayev.

However, Russia will start exporting the S-500 surface-to-air missile system only after the required number of these weapons are delivered to Russian troops, he underlined.

"Time will tell when this happens. We will examine potential requests individually in each particular case", he concluded.

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