Xiaomi Gives New Magenta Color Touch To SU7 Sedan, Targets Young Women's Market
New color Xiaomi SU7. (Photo: X/@TychodeFeijter)

JAKARTA - A technology manufacturer from China that also takes part in the environmentally friendly car segment, namely Xiaomi, provides a new touch of color for the SU7 electric sedan.

Quoting from the Carnewschina page, Thursday, January 23, this color is specially presented to celebrate Xiaomi's 15th birthday. Even though it's a special color, this is not a limited color.

The color in question is Magenta, so that the electric car that has succeeded in attracting the attention of many people now has 10 color choices. So, to get this color, customers have to spend an additional 9,000 yuan or around Rp. 20 million.

Xiaomi claims that bright magenta has a unique color formula and its background is decorated with red pearl powder. Different textures create different effects according to light. In the room or at night, the color looks soft, while in sunny day, the color looks lively and bright.

The new color penetrates into the wheels with a yellow Kaliper which makes it look attractive. This new color choice is expected to be very popular among young female buyers, which is quite large from the total SU7 buyers.

Xiaomi CEO Lei Jun previously said that the percentage of female SU7 users had exceeded 40 percent, a pretty fantastic figure.

Previously this car officially launched in April and is available in three versions. Standard and Pro use rear wheels with a single electric motor of 220 kW. Standard uses 73.6 kWh, which provides a distance of up to 700 km.

The Pro version gets a larger 94.3 kWh battery, which gives us a distance of up to 830 km. Max's version adds 275 kW of electric motor to the front axle. Use a 101 kWh battery and has a range of up to 800 km.

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