Tips For Choosing A Gynecologist Who Is Comfortable Accompanying Pregnancy
Illustration (Mart Production/Pexels)

JAKARTA - The Obstetricians, also known as obstetricians, are friends of pregnant women. Because he is the one who will accompany the journey of pregnant women from the beginning until after giving birth. Because you will often meet and consult, it is also important to choose a suitable obgyn and make you comfortable. If you are confused about finding a gynecologist, let's follow these tips!

Looking for lots of references

You can find as many references as possible about obstetricians in your city. You can also ask for recommendations from friends or family so that they can ask to share their experiences with the doctor. You can also choose a female or male doctor according to your wishes, and make sure you know the doctor's certification to his experience dealing with pregnant women.

Medical history

If you have health problems, such as high blood pressure, diabetes, heart problems, allergies, and so on, you can seek referrals from doctors who do have experience with your disease. This is important considering there could be a risk of pregnancy that occurs because of your health condition and the doctor can do a special treatment.

Choose a like-minded doctor

Many obstetricians are good and experienced but do not necessarily make you comfortable and agree. Indeed, at the beginning of pregnancy, you can go to several doctors to feel firsthand how the consultation experience is. You can see from how the doctor gives explanations, patience, personality, and has the same understanding. After finding the most suitable, then that's what you can choose.

Choosing a doctor = choosing a hospital

Although they can practice in private places or clinics, most obstetricians practice in hospitals. So, this can also be your consideration because this is the hospital that you will visit regularly and where you will give birth later. So in addition to the obstetrician's business, you can check the condition of the hospital, various facilities, costs, and location.

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