According To Expert Recommendations, Here's An Effective Way To Shrink A Distended Stomach
Illustration of a big belly (Pexels/Andreas Ayrton)

JAKARTA – Anxiety because a distended stomach needs to be equal to trying to shrink it. There are various causes of a distended stomach, including undeniable factors such as heredity, genes, and age.

In the simplest terms, the way to shrink the stomach is to adjust your diet and improve your lifestyle. Most importantly, belly fat is caused by the accumulation of calories and too little being burned into energy.

There are two types of belly fat, namely visceral fat and subcutaneous fat. Subcutaneous fat is found in the tissues under the skin. If you pinch it with your fingers, you can feel the thickness of the pile.

Meanwhile, visceral fat is stored deep in the organs around the abdomen. This fat covers the liver, kidneys, heart, and intestines. Visceral fat is also fat that contributes to health problems, such as heart disease, type 2 diabetes, cholesterol, high blood pressure.

Well, to reduce the two types of fat that accumulate in the stomach, you can undergo the following references recommended by experts.

Eat healthy food

As the old saying goes 'what we eat is what happens to the body'. Believe it or not, a bad diet causes various problems in the body, including accumulating calories in the stomach. Experts recommend following the right diet according to each person's condition.

The healthiest foods can be obtained from vegetables, fruits, plant protein, lean animal protein, and whole grains. Fiber is a food ingredient that is the dominant portion compared to others. Because fiber helps the body maintain blood sugar levels and keeps you full longer.

A study conducted in 2011 proved that every time you increase your fiber intake by 10 percent, your waist size decreases by 3.7 percent over 5 years.


Some experts think that lifting weights will only strengthen and condense the muscles. But to tighten a distended and sagging stomach, you can do weightlifting twice a week.

Do cardio

Besides lifting weights, cardio exercise such as aerobics for 3 times a week will get effective results. The combination of the two sports, lifting weights and cardio, according to experts, can burn belly fat the most.

By undergoing high-intensity interval training combining the two sports, you no longer need to go to the gym.

Drink less alcohol

In every gram of beer contains 7 calories, which means it has the potential to make a distended stomach if not controlled. If you have a strong intention to reduce health risks because the pile of calories in the stomach is getting thicker, then drink less alcohol.

Drink more mineral water

The best fluid to meet the body's hydration needs is mineral water. When you feel hungry, try not to rush to fill your plate with food but drink a glass of mineral water. Because it is often difficult to distinguish between hunger and thirst.

Studies have shown that metabolic rates are increased by 30 percent by drinking only 16 ounces of mineral water per day.

Reduce stress

A study also proves that the lower the stress level, the less fat accumulates in the stomach. This is related to cortisol levels which can trigger the consumption of unhealthy drinks and foods. In fact, unhealthy foods cause fat deposits to be thicker.

Get quality sleep

Studies have found that adults under the age of 40 who sleep five hours a night have more belly fat. But there are also those who sleep for 8 hours with belly fat. This means that sleep needs to be balanced with other lifestyles.

As balanced with the amount of energy used, food consumption, exercise, and emotional conditions. You can change your healthier habits one by one but continuously.

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