Tasya Kamila's Husband Randi Bachtiar's Response When Convicted Of Cancer: I Drop Really
Tasya Kamila and Husband, Randi (Photo: IG @tasyakamila)

JAKARTA - Just like Tasya Kamila, Randi Bachtiar also uploaded her experience when she was diagnosed with lymph cancer. Randi posted the same video with his wife on Instagram. However, he gave a different description.

"Currently I am endeavoring and battling Lymphoma Hodgkin, one type of cancer that God willing can be treated and cured. I've had thorax surgery and chemotherapy, now I'm undergoing radiation. Hopefully this will be the last stage of my treatment series," Randi wrote on @randibahctiar Instagram account, quoted Monday, May 10.

Randi admitted that he was initially shocked when he was diagnosed with the disease. He even questioned God why he had been tried when he was young, newly married, and had just had children.

"I think why now, why me, what's wrong with me. and when given to know what kind of treatment doctor, I smpt drop bgt ..," he wrote again.

Luckily his wife, mother, and father have always been supportive. It is also seen from Randi's upload, in the video Tasya always accompanies her husband and encourages him while undergoing treatment.

"I realized that this is a test of God, who knows our strength and ability, and who has the best plan for His servant. God willing I sincerely accept this and the spirit of endeavor and trust. May we always be given strength and ability in undergoing His test," continued Randi.

For months, Randy Bachtiar and Tasya Kamila wanted to provide support to fellow cancer fighters through the upload. "I want to dedicate this post to people who are struggling with cancer and chronic diseases by donating through a link in my bio," he concluded.

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