Krisdayanti Weeps When She Finds Out Aurel Hermansyah Is Pregnant, Raul Lemos's Response Is A Highlight
Atta Halilintar and Aurel Hemansyah (Photo: IG @aureli.hermansyah)

JAKARTA - The happiness of Aurel Hermansyah who is pregnant with their first child is transmitted to their parents. Krisdayanti cried happy to hear the news.

In the upload of Atta Halilintar's YouTube channel, they captured the moment when they told Krisdayanti about Aurel Hermansyah getting pregnant. Krisdayanti, who had just broke her fast until she cried, said she was very happy to hear the news.

"Very happy," said Krisdayanti opening her glasses and wiping her tears quoted Monday, May 10.

KD also expressed her happiness through uploads on Instagram. She uploads a screenshot of herself on a video call with Aurel and Atta. A smile expands on KD's face.

"Laylat al-Qadr is the night when the angels come down to Earth. Better than a thousand months. when you give this good news to Mimi after iftar earlier..," said the words written by KD.

"Inshaaaallah Angel will keep the prospective baby jabang in the womb as best as possible until the time comes.. congratulations my son enjoyed the new chapter #blessingramadhan #lailatulqadar," he continued.

The upload was also filled with congratulations to Aurel and KD. Warganet also prayed that Aurel's pregnancy was smooth and healthy until childbirth.

"Barakallah... Congratulations to all of you. happy trut," wrote Marini Zumarnis.

"Alhamdulillah Mimi, come to hear it ... OMa Mimi," wrote Maia Estianty.

Aurel Hermansyah's stepfather Raul Lemos also commented on Krisdayanti's post. Even without words, he seemed to express happiness at the good news coming from Aurel and Atta.

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