JAKARTA - Singer Kris Dayanti is grieving that her manager, Selby Anwar, died on Monday, February 3. It was not officially explained by neither Kris Dayanti for the cause of his manager's departure.
Kris Dayanti and his brother, Yuni Sahra, were seen present at the funeral home in the Pamulang area, South Tangerang.
He was present at around 12.50 WIB and went straight to the funeral home to attend the closing service of the coffin with the extended family of Selby Anwar.
After the coffin closing service was completed, Kris Dayanti and Yuni Sahra were seen rushing into the hearse with their families.
Arriving at the Astanaraga TPU, Yuni was also seen helping her family to direct Selby's coffin to her grave.
During the funeral, based on the monitoring of the VOI team, Kris Dayanti was seen several times staring at his friend's coffin with empty gaze.
Kris Dayanti also had time to hold back tears when throwing white roses into Selby's grave before being covered by the ground.
On this occasion, Kris Dayanti had time to express his gratitude for the kindness of the Selby family who had allowed him to work for 32 years with him.
"On behalf of my family, I thank you for allowing Ms. Selby for us," said Kris Dayanti while holding back tears at the Astanaraga TPU, South Tangerang, Tuesday, February 4.
"Personally 32 years is not a short time. I know he has very maintained emotions," he said.
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