JAKARTA - In today's digital era, the constant attraction of connectivity and instant satisfaction can make it difficult for someone to spend screen time. But with your intention and commitment, you can embrace a healthier balance and benefit from presence in the real world.
Why is it so difficult to have time without a device? The reason is that the influence of widespread technology is undeniable to have changed the way you interact with the world around you. A continuous sequence of notifications, the temptation of watching events in a marathon, and the pressure to stay connected to social media feeds can make it difficult for you to stay away from the screen and be present today. In addition, the fear of being left behind (FOMO) and the dependence on the screen because of work, entertainment, and social interactions are increasingly contributing to the difficulty of struggling to escape.
Here are five tips to reduce screen time so you can spend more time mindfully, launches the Inner mastery page, Wednesday, January 22.
Set certain periods or spaces in your daily life where the device should not be used. Either when eating, before bed, or when doing certain relaxed activities, setting a screen-free zone will create a structured sense and encourage you to live more mindful.
Rediscover or explore new hobbies that do not involve screens, such as gardening, painting, reading physical books, or doing outdoor activities. By submerging in offline activities, you can foster a sense of satisfaction and deeper joy.
Use full-awareness practices, such as meditation, deep breathing exercise, or simply observing the surrounding environment without interruption. Increasing awareness of current moments can help reduce the urge to search for constant digital stimulation.
Prioritize face-to-face interactions with loved ones, friends, and community members. Involved in meaningful conversations and shared experiences foster sincere relationships and strengthen offline relationship values.
Set daily screenless rituals, such as enjoying a morning without technology, enjoying uninterrupted foods, or turning off digital devices during predetermined digital detox days.
Despite the extraordinary appeal of the device, you can change your relationship with technology and prioritize a conscious presence in life. By setting clear boundaries, engaging in offline activities, practicing awareness, maintaining human relationships, and creating screen-free rituals, you can start a journey towards greater balance and satisfaction. Embrace screen-free time not only enriching well-being but also allowing you to enjoy the beauty of life that is revealed today.
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