JAKARTA - Drinking coffee has long been part of the lifestyle of people in various parts of the world. In addition to encouraging energy and increasing concentration, coffee also has a number of health benefits.
Various studies show these drinks can help increase metabolism, protect the liver from damage, to reduce the risk of various chronic diseases such as type 2 diabetes and heart disease. These benefits are generally obtained when coffee is consumed in moderate quantities and without additional sugar or sweeteners.
A study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition reveals that coffee consumption without additional sugar or artificial sweeteners can reduce the risk of developing neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's and Parkinson's.
The study analyzed data from the Biobank UK covering more than 200,000 participants aged 40 to 69 years.
The participants were divided into four categories based on their coffee consumption habits: no sweetener coffee, sugar coffee, artificial sweeteners, and those who don't eat coffee at all.
The results show that individuals who regularly consume coffee without sweeteners have a risk of 29-30 percent lower exposure to Alzheimer's, associated dementia, and Parkinson's than those who don't drink coffee.
In addition, this group also carries a 43 percent lower risk of dying from the disease. Neurodegenerative diseases are known as progressive conditions that affect memory, thinking skills, and daily activities, and can cause death.
Interestingly, caffeineless coffee also provides similar benefits, with a risk reduction of Alzheimer's and Parkinson's by 34-37 percent, as well as a 47 percent reduction in the risk of death.
However, the same benefits are not found in coffee consumption which is given additional artificial sugar or sweetener. Experts warn that sugar can have a negative impact on health if consumed excessively.
Drinking coffee without additional sweeteners not only maintains brain health, but is also a healthier choice as a whole. Every decision related to diet has a long-term impact on health.
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