Kucing became one of the types of animals that the Prophet liked and loved. In the book Black Dog which reminds Me of a Syekh (2014) by Mahmud asy-Syafrowi, during the life of the Prophet SAW, it is said that he had a cat named Mueeza. However, there are those who question whether cat hair is unclean? What is the law of cat hair attached to clothes during prayer?
As long as the amount is small, the cat's hair in Islam is not unclean. Cat's hair in large quantities is also not unclean, especially for people who often interact with these animals.
Even though the Prophet SAW has been exemplified, some people still do not dare to be close to cats, for fear of being exposed to their hair which is considered unclean.
Bulu becomes one part of the cat's body. In various fiqh literatures, the cut part of the living animal, the status is the same when it becomes a carcass. For example, locust carcasses and fish are holy, so parts that are separated from the two animals during their lifetime are not unclean.
On the other hand, animals whose carcasses are not holy, then separate parts during life have an unclean status. The legal provisions are based on the hadith below:
Something that is separated from the living animals, then the status is as if in a state of [to become] carrion, " (HR Hakim).
However, the cut animal's hair or hair is not immediately punished by looking at the status of the carcass. The purity status of animal hair or hair is determined by the law of an animal when consumed.
For example, halal animals such as chickens, goats, cows, to camels, so their hair is not unclean. Vice versa, forbidden animals are eaten such as rats, dogs, pigs, to donkeys, and their hair is unclean.
On the other hand, the ulama also determine that the law of cat hair is unclean. However, the law of unclean cat hair can be tolerated, tolerated, or forgiven if in small amounts.
Meanwhile, if in large quantities, unclean cat hair can also be diffused. However, only for people who have difficulty avoiding it, such as veterinarians to cat salon officers.
In the book Hasyiyah al-Bajuri ala Ibli Qasim al-Ghazi, Sheikh Ibrahim al-Baijiri writes the law of hair for unclean cats which are smeared as follows:
"Something that is cut off from living animals, then is punished as a carcass, except hair cut off from halal animals to eat."
In some other books it says except for hair that is processed into hair, clothes, and others. The hair cut off from the halal animal is eaten like hair on the goat. The hygiene of this hair as long as it is not on the cut of the meat that is deliberately cut off, or is on the cut of the body from the animal that is halal to eat. If the hair is in these two circumstances then it is judged unclean, because it follows the status of the truncated body member.
"Excepted by the editors halal animals are eaten, namely hair or hair that is not halal to eat, such as donkeys and cats. So the hair of these animals is sanctioned unclean. However, this unclean thing is punishable by a small amount of marfu, even in large quantities for people who are often made difficult with the fur, such as for barbers," (Sheikh Ibrahim al-Bajuri, Hasyiyah al-Bajuri in the style of Ibni Qasim al-Ghazi, juz 2, hal. 290).
Below are the arguments about cat hair originating from hadith to the books of scholars:
As mentioned by Sheikh Ibrahim al-Baijiri in the book Hasyiyah al-Bajuri in the style of Ibni Qasim al-Ghazi whose contents have been mentioned above.
Something that is separated from the living animals, then the status is as if in a state of [to become] carrion, " (HR. Judge).
"Water is not unclean because it meets unclean things that cannot be reached by the eyes, because it is very small and unclean, such as buying urine. And also by meeting other unclean things, such as being exposed to little unclean hair," (Sheikh Zakarya al-Anshari, Fath al-Wahab, juz 1, hal. 28).
Disposal of cat hair attached to clothes, the law is valid for praying for a small amount. The size of the large amount or at least the loss of cat hair is determined based on the general public's assessment.
On the other hand, for people who have high interaction, the cat hair attached to a large number of clothes remains valid for prayer.
For example, people who receive this convenience are veterinarians and cat salon officers. However, changing clothes that are free from the loss of cat hair before prayer is the most important action and is recommended.
That's a review of whether cat hair is unclean according to law. Visit VOI.id to get other interesting information.
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