4 Years Of Career, Cignature Officially Disbanded With 7 Members
Cignature (Instagram @ cignature_j9)

JAKARTA - C9 Entertainment stated that their K-pop group, cignature officially disbanded on Tuesday, December 3. They finished their career after debuting in 2020.

"After talking to members, we confirmed the disbandment of the group is necessary," said C9 Entertainment.

"With this, all seven members end their exclusive contracts as of December 30, 2024 regardless of the remaining contracts," he said.

The agency also thanked members for their efforts over the past four years. The agency has not explained whether the member's contract will continue the individual contract.

"Regardless of the shortcomings they face, we would like to thank the members once again for their efforts," the agency said.

We are really sorry for bringing sudden news to fans who support the group. We hope that you will continue to support the members for the future. Thank you," he continued.

Cignature was originally projected to debut in 2017 under the name Good Day group. Then, some members left and C9 worked on the latest group of members named C9 Girlz.

In 2020, C9 Entertainment announced their group named cignature which debuted on February 4 with a single titled Nun Nu Nan Na.

This year, one of the members, Belle is participating in the Universe Ticket competition and will debut with project group Unis.

Then, last June, the cignature released the miniatural album But Saltie and promoted the latest albums on a number of music shows.

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