Kimberly Border And Edward Akbar Reopen Communications
Kimberly Border and Edward Akbar (Instagram @edward_akbar)

JAKARTA - Attorney for KimberlyRIDer, Machi Ahmad said that his client and Edward Akbar had communicated with each other during the celebration of his two children's birthday. Even so, Machi explained, neither Kimberly nor Edward had any discussions to meet his two children. "There has been communication, regarding meeting (children) I can't talk yet because it has to be discussed because the child is with Kim," said Machi Ahmad at the South Jakarta Metro Police, Friday, November 22. "We don't want to be negligent, there are also things, things that are not desirable, have to be discussed between the plaintiff and the defendant about the child. But Kim has so far made it difficult, even he 'let's video call', but yesterday he was on the block," he continued. "Machi said that Edward contacted Kimberly via his personal Instagram. Kim had a chance to consult with him about it. "Yes. The client of my client always contacted this 'bang there dm', 'yes, it's okay, try it first," said Machi Ahmad.

She emphasized that from the start her client had never closed communication with her husband. Even Kimberly had wanted to mediate with Edward before finally filing for divorce. "At that time, Machi Ahmad was appointed to a restaurant, but when we arrived suddenly he couldn't be contacted anymore," she said.

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