Doctor Shares Vacation Preparation Tips To The Country With Winter
Vacation in winter (Pexels/cottonbro studio)

JAKARTA - Year-end holidays will soon arrive. When on vacation at the end of the year, visiting a country with winter is the choice of many people.

If you vacation in a country in winter, there are several things that must be prepared so that the holidays run smoothly, as revealed by the BSD Internal Medicine Specialist & Travel Health Expert Eka Hospital, dr. Rudy Kurniawan, below.

Cold temperatures make the body vulnerable to various diseases, one of which is influenza. Therefore, preparing a prime body is very much needed if you are going on vacation to a winter country so you don't get sick.

One way to get a prime body is to do the influenza vaccine. Doctors also recommend getting a pneumonia vaccine before taking a vacation.

First, we have to prepare our body conditions first. If in some areas of winter the risk of influenza is increasing, maybe flu vaccines are needed. It could also be pneumonia vaccines or pneumonia. If pneumonia is done once in a lifetime, if influenza can be done every year," said dr. Rudy Kurniawan when met in the Serpong area, Tangerang, on Tuesday, November 12, 2024.

Overall body checks are also needed before a vacation to winter countries. If you have comorbidities such as diabetes and hypertension, make sure the disease has been controlled first and has permission from the doctor in charge.

"Then there are other comorbidities, such as diabetes, hypertension, or other chronic diseases, that must be under controlled condition," he said.

Physically, they must also be trained by exercising frequently to be strong in the face of extreme cold temperatures. Clothing must also be well prepared, namely choosing clothes that are in accordance with the country's weather destination.

Then another physical preparation is to bring clothes that match the cold conditions. Winter in each country is different, some are 10 degrees in temperature, some are minus, now that must be different clothes, we have to adjust our tourist destinations and our itinary there is what we want to do," concluded Rudy Kurniawan.

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