Venna Melinda Falls Directly Search Ferry Irawan's Address For Divorce
Venna Melinda (Instagram @vennamelindareal)

JAKARTA - Venna Melinda's attorney, Wijayono Hadi Sukrisno, said that his client had jumped himself to look for Ferry Irawan's address in order to provide a summons to the South Jakarta Religious Court.

"So for this trial, the call is appropriate, indeed we are looking for it hard. Because we can no longer ask for that address from parties who lack authority," said Wijayono Hadi Sukrisno at the South Jakarta Religious Court, Thursday, November 14.

The reason Kris said that he could not arbitrarily ask Ferry Irawan's address because of the Personal Data Protection regulation.

"So we have a personal data protection law, law number 27 2022 is personal data protection. So we don't just get someone's data," he explained.

Fortunately, Ferry Irawan's address was found and Venna was able to provide a divorce summons.

"So we ended up huning in various places and finally we found it. And we also asked for a certificate that he really lived there," he explained.

"And after we are sure then we will return. So that's why the call deserves that," he said.

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