Revalina S Temat's Hijrah Journey Goes Viral Again, Netizens Criticize Nia Ramadhani
Revalina S Temat (Instagram @vatemat)

JAKARTA - A video upload related to celebrity Revalina S Temat's hijrah journey has gone viral again on social media. In the video, Revalina tells Jessica Iskandar and Nia Ramadhani the reason she chose to wear the hijab when she was at the peak of her career.

"Yes, since 2017 I decided to wear the hijab because I feel that Allah has been good to me, I have been given so many blessings and I am very grateful for that," said Revalina S Temat as quoted by VOI from Instagram @rumpi_gosip, Thursday, November 14.

"And the way to repay Allah's kindness all this time is I have to wear the hijab," she continued. Fortunately, Revalina's desire to wear the hijab also received the blessing of her husband, Rendy Aditya Gunawan.

"At the beginning, I also talked to my husband, like, 'I want to wear the hijab'. I didn't get married yet, so in 2017, my child was only a year old but I already talked to my husband, 'but when?'," said Revalina S Temat.

Revalina's story received a lot of praise from netizens who listened to it, but not infrequently there were netizens who prayed that Nia Ramadhani, who participated in the interview, would also convert.

"It's good to say that in front of Mrs. Hajjah Nia Ramadhani, do you think she feels it? After returning from the hajj, instead of covering her aurat, she became even more so," said the account @far****.

"Revalina S Temat's answer is a slap in the face for Nia Ramadhani, if her heart is still alive," added the account @rac****.

"How does Nia feel after hearing that?," asked the account @mut****.

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