How To Distinguish Right And Left Softlens: Here's Practical Guidelines For Softlens Users
How to distinguish right and left softlens (Rawpixel-Freepic image)

YOGYAKARTA - For those who need a vision correction but want to appear without glasses, softlens has become a popular option. Softlens is often used as an accessory to beautify the eye other than medical reasons. However, softlens users often face simple but important problems, namely distinguishing the right and left lenses. Curious at how to distinguish the right and left softlens? Watch it to the end, yes!

Wearing a wrong lens can cause discomfort, eye irritation, or even visual impairment, so it's very important for users to understand how to distinguish the right and left lenses. If you want to use contact lenses safely and comfortably, here are some ways you can use to differentiate the right and left softlens.

1. Check Size Differences or Recipes

The way that is often used to distinguish right and left softlens is to check the prescription or lens size of an eye doctor. Usually, the right and left eyes have different recipes in terms of strength (minus or plus), curve, or lens diameter.

If both eyes have different recipes, you can check the softlens packaging, which usually includes lens strength (for example, -2.00 or -3.50). Save the right and left softlens separately to facilitate identification.

2. Use a Labeled Softlens Place

Another simple method is to use a softlens container labeled "R" (right) for right and "L" (left) for left. This container is widely available on the market and is very useful. After finishing using softlens, make sure you put it according to the correct label to avoid confusion during the next use.

3. Give a Sign with a Physical Color or Characteristic

If you often use softlens in color or softlens fashion, distinguishing the right and left lenses can be easier because of differences in color or design. If the softlens for the right and left eyes have different colors or patterns, you can immediately recognize them visually.

However, if you use a clear softlens that looks similar, you can mark a softlens container with a color sticker or use a safe nail polish to mark the top of the lens container. This will make it easier for you to identify which right lens and which left.

4. Build Habits of Wearing and Releasing Lens in a Regulated manner

Consistency when wearing and removing softlens can help distinguish the right and left lenses. For example, you can always start with your right eye when wearing or removing the lens. With this habit, you will automatically remember which lenses are for the right and left eyes, thereby reducing the risk of misuse.

5. Check Softlens Forms Before Usage

Before wearing the softlens, check the shape to ensure the lens is in the right position. The correct Softlens will form a perfect curve like half a ball. If it looks flat or the edge is curved out, it means the softlens are reversed. Although it does not immediately distinguish the right and left lenses, checking the shape of the lens before wearing it will ensure the lens is comfortable and properly attached.

6. Pay Attention to Softlens Hygiene

In addition to distinguishing between the right and left softlens, cleanliness is also very important. Make sure you always clean the softlens with a special cleaning fluid after use and before storing it in a softlens place. Avoid using plain water to clean the softlens because it can contain bacteria that can harm your eyes.

Keeping the softlens clean and sterile not only protects eye health, but also makes it easier for you to better identify and distinguish right and left softlens.

7. Change Softlens Periodically

Softlens has a different lifespan, depending on the type, some daily, weekly, or monthly. Changing softlens on schedule can also help you maintain eye health and avoid the risk of infection.

If you feel softlens is uncomfortable or vision becomes blurry, check whether the lens has exceeded its life and replace it with a new one immediately. This can also be an opportunity to make sure you have well-organized right and left softlens.

In addition, you also need to know the Complete Softlens Size with Tips and How to Choose the right one.

So after knowing how to distinguish right and left softlens, see other interesting news on VOI.ID, it's time to revolutionize news!

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