Strengthening Indonesia's Efforts to Become a Role Model for World Modest Fashion, IN2MF 2024 Will Be Held in Paris
IN2MF Fashion Show (spc)

JAKARTA - Bank Indonesia in partnership with the Indonesian Ministry of Cooperatives and Small and Medium Enterprises (Kemenkop UKM) and the Indonesian Fashion Chamber (IFC) is once again increasing the promotion of the Indonesia International Modest Fashion Festival (IN2MF) to the global market to accelerate the realization of Indonesia as a global modest fashion role model.

Previously IN2MF was held in Kuala Lumpur, Dubai and Istanbul, this year Paris, France was chosen as the place to display and showcase fashion on September 7, 2024 at Salle Wagram in Paris and at the Who's Next international exhibition on September 8 - 10, 2024 at Porte de Versailles, Paris.

IN2MF was introduced in Paris, the global fashion city, to showcase the richness of Indonesian textiles with simple, innovative and sustainable fashion design creativity.

Including introducing the latest developments in the modest fashion sector and Indonesia's halal lifestyle to the international market, especially in Europe, which has become the standard for high-quality fashion products and a destination for international buyers from various countries in the Middle East, Africa and Asia.

IN2MF in Paris aims to help accelerate the export of Indonesian modest fashion products and make Indonesia a key player in the global modest fashion industry.

Ali Charisma, Advisory Board of the Indonesian Fashion ChamberAli Charisma, Advisory Board of the Indonesian Fashion Chamber hopes that designers can take advantage of this opportunity to strive for long-term business transactions.

"We hope that participating designers and brands can take advantage of the opportunity to participate in IN2MF in Paris towards sustainable or long-term business transactions," said Ali Charisma.

“This is not just a short-term or immediate income target. We ask designers and brands to prepare and optimize their business ecosystem towards Business to Business (B2B),” he added.

Five designers and brands selected by the IKRA Indonesia program will present the Spring-Summer 2025 collection that utilizes Indonesian waste, namely Batik Chic, Yece by Yeti Topiah, Luvnic by Luffi, Brilianto, and Jamilah x Prafito by Tujuh Bersaudara.

In addition, two other national designers and the IKRA Council also participated: Itang Yunasz and Wignyo.

On that occasion, the Indonesian Ministry of Cooperatives and Small and Medium Enterprises also included its brand, namely Dama Kara.

IN2MF in Paris presents guest designers Dian Pelangi from Indonesia and Dalinda from Paris. The collection explores the diversity of typical Indonesian textiles such as batik, songket, weaving, hand looms, eco-printing, and embroidery.

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