Nagita Slavina Denies Running For Deputy Governor Of North Sulawesi
Nagita Slavina (Instagram @raffinagita1717)

JAKARTA - Previously, Raffi Ahmad, who was suspected of running for the West Bandung regional election candidate along with his brother-in-law, Juli Ismail alias Jeje Govinda. Now it is his wife, Nagita Slavina, who is rumored to be taking part as a candidate for Deputy Governor in North Sulawesi.

The reason is, there have been pedestrians with the faces of Nagita Slavina and Plt. North Sulawesi Governor Carlo Brix Tewu, who became the origin of the issue of his candidacy.

However, through uploading a video on his personal Instagram, Nagita Slavina said that he knew the news from his family and friends who sent it.

"Alhamdulillah, Raffi and I have returned home again, thank God everything went smoothly, we have reunited with the children, we are very happy," said Nagita Slavina, quoted by VOI from her personal Instagram, Tuesday, June 25.

"Sekali aku mau menanggapi sesuatu ini karena kebetulan kemarin ada beberapa keluarga dan teman-teman yang mengirimkan ini," lanjutnya.

Strictly speaking, Nagita Slavina said that the issue related to her candidacy as a candidate for Deputy Governor of North Sulawesi was not true.

"Well, actually I didn't participate in the Pilkada for North Sulawesi this year," he explained.

Even so, the mother of two children said that she as a person who still has Manado descent hopes that whoever the elected candidate is the best.

"But whatever I am as a descendant who still has North Sulawesi blood, I am very happy, whoever is elected, God willing, it will be the best," he added.

At the end of the video, Nagita openly said that she is currently focusing on supporting her sister-in-law, Jeje Govinda, who will run in the West Bandung Pilkada.

"Thank you for trusting him for that. I am currently focusing on providing support for new well Jejeul Ismail as a candidate for Regent of West Bandung," he said.


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