Characteristics Of Women Who Will Be Menopaus: Adult Women Must Know!
Characteristics of Women Who Will Be Menopaus (Diana Polekina Image - Unsplash)

YOGYAKARTA - Adding to the age of 4555 years, women will experience menopause. Menopaus in each woman can be different and sometimes resemble certain health problems. So that you don't get me wrong, recognize what the characteristics of women who will menopause are.

Menopause is a period of ending the menstrual cycle naturally. Women are said to experience menopause if they no longer have menstruation within 12 consecutive months.

When expanding the menopaus period, women cannot be two naturally. This is because the ovarian or ovarian in the women's body no longer releases eggs.

Some women do not experience any indications before menopause. However, not a few also experience some symptoms or signs of menopause before the end of menstruation.

Ahead of the menopause phase, women generally experience several changes or are called the transition phase (perimenopaus). As we discuss above, usually, the menopausage age ranges from 45 to 55 years. During this phase, women will feel signs of menopause.

Signs of menopause in each woman vary, depending on the large amount of estrogen content in the body. If the production is small, there are more signs of menopause arising. Here are some indications of the menopause commonly felt by women.

I. Sleep Disorder

Signs ahead of the menopause, women will generally experience difficulty sleeping or can't sleep. This situation makes him wake up at night and have trouble sleeping again. This can be triggered by bodies that tend to sweat (hot flashes).

The reason is that the shrinking of estrogen content and progesteron ahead of the menopause can cause a heat to spread to the face, neck, and entire body. This situation makes the body sweat and redness.

II. Kemih Channel Problem

Ahead of the menopause, women generally experience urine incontinence or find it difficult to hold back urination, so they urinate more often, to feel love or pain when urinating.

The complaint was caused by a network in Miss V and a urinary tract that began to run low and lost its elasticity. In addition, the decrease in estrogen content ahead of the menopause also has the potential to cause women to be prone to urinary tract inflammation.

III. Changes in body shape

Hormonic changes ahead of the menopause cause hormonal imbalances that cause various indications that affect body shape, such as:

IV. Menstruation Cycle Change

One of the most common signs of menopause is the change in the menstrual cycle. When entering the menopause phase, there may be some changes, such as:

Changes in this cycle for a long time will lead to the cessation of menstruation. Keep in mind that some of these changes are quite reasonable for women. Even so, there is nothing wrong if you ask a doctor to determine the trigger for the situation.

V. Lowering Sexual Passion

Some women feel a decrease in sexual arousal ahead of the menopause. However, there are also those who always feel safe with their sexuality even after the menopause. The reason is, menopause gives rise to clitoris sensitivity to declining stimuli.

In addition, the decrease in sexual arousal was also caused by Miss V which became drier so that a feeling of pain arose when she was having sex. This is due to the production of the hormone estrogen and decreased progesteron so that lubricant fluids are reduced.

VI. Rontok Hair And Dry Skin

Along with increasing age, changing hair and skin is a normal matter. For example, skin becomes drier and thinner. Not only that, decreasing estrogen levels also makes hair fragile and easily knocked out. Even so, it is not recommended that you use various hair care products with strong chemicals.

VII. Psychological Problems

The hormonal changes when menopause affect the change in emotions and psychological conditions in women. This causes women to become more easily offended, feel sad, tired quickly, swing mood, or anxious during the menopause.

Other Menopaus Signs

Not only are there some indications of the menopause above, other signs that can be felt by women ahead of the menopause, namely:

Like that, there are some signs of menopause that every woman needs to understand. By recognizing these various characteristics, it is hoped that you will not be too afraid if you experience changes ahead of the menopause.

In addition, you also need to know '4 Sports for Menopaus Women' so that they are effective in burning fat and preventing weight gain.

So after knowing the characteristics of the woman who will operate, look at other interesting news on VOI.ID, it's time to revolutionize news!

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