Cancer, Vidi Aldiano Reveals His Weight Increases
Vidi Aldiano (Virgilery / VOI)

JAKARTA - Singer Vidi Aldiano had revealed about cancer that he had since 2019. Through his Instagram social media account, Vidi said the cancer had started to spread to several organs of his body.

Even so, Vidi Aldiano, who now wants to be known as VIDI, continues to be enthusiastic about working and has just launched a single titled 'W u at?' on September 29.

When asked again about her latest health condition, Sheila Dara's husband was reluctant to speak. For Vidi, this is a personal matter for her.

"Ah, about cancer I don't want to answer, that's personal," said Vidi Aldiano when met in the Pasar Minggu area, South Jakarta, Friday, October 6.

Not only that, even though he is suffering from a fairly dangerous disease, Vidi admits that his condition is currently fine. He even explained that his weight had risen.

"It's not thin, instead it weighs up," said the Bening Nuance singer.

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