Fery Irawan Continues To Insinuate, Venna Melinda Chooses To Close Ears
Venna Melinda (Photo: Instagram @vennamelindareal)

JAKARTA - The Venna Melinda and Ferry Irawan have officially divorced since August 3 based on a decision issued by the South Jakarta Religious Court. Even so, the feud between Venna and Ferry continues.

Seeing this, the mother of 3 children every time that happens to her has indeed been regulated by the above. In fact, according to Venna, the pros and cons have become something that can happen.

Therefore, he chose to increase his kindness and move on from this problem. He wants to be more focused on improving himself and his career.

"The point is like this, all of that for me already has a qadarullah, so if it's for me to do politics while we are still given health we can still work for the nation and state," said Venna Melinda at Mampang Prapatan, South Jakarta, Thursday, September 14.

"There must be pros and cons, but we continue to move on, continue to focus on the name goodness, because politics is not enriching ourselves, politics is beneficial for the community. So if I don't want to think about things that don't make me focus on society," he continued.

In addition, Ifan Fadillah's ex-wife also wants to think more about positive things. Because Venna wants to set a good example for her children, especially in career matters.

"Not moving on, but more for us to focus more positively, yes. Because I am 50 years old, I have 3 children, especially since Verell, I as a mother can only pray for her, meaning I have to do good first because Allah wants us to be entrusted with the trust of your children, you can give an example or not. For example, being a politician, you become a political man who is trustworthy, honest," he explained.

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