Know The Various Types Of Artificial Malams In Foods And Drinks And Their Impact On Health
Illustration of artificial sweeteners that are often used in food and drinks (Photo: Pixabay/congerdesign)

YOGYAKARTA Some food and beverage products sold on the market contain certain types of sweeteners. The addition of artificial sweeteners aims to help sharpen the taste, because it has a higher sweet taste than ordinary sweeteners or sugar. So, what types of artificial sweeteners are often used in food and beverage products? What will be the impact on health? Check out the full information below.

Quoted from Ai-Care, most of the artificial sweeteners circulating have obtained permits before being circulated and can be consumed. Some types of artificial sweeteners include:

The impact of artificial sweeteners on health

For your information, the use of artificial sweeteners in food and beverages has received approval from the American Heart Association and the American Diabetes Association. However, the use of artificial sweeteners must still be monitored and in accordance with the recommendations made.

According to research, excessive use of artificial sweeteners can cause various health problems for the body, including:

This is information about the type of artificial sweetener in food and beverage products and its impact on health. Hopefully this article can add insight to the loyal readers of VOI.ID.

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