Once Puji Laporan Lesti Kejora, Venna Melinda Kini Alami Sendiri Allegedly Domestic Violence
Venna Melinda (Instagram @vennamelindareal)

JAKARTA - Shocking news came from Venna Melinda. He reported that his husband, Ferry Irawan, was related to the case of Domestic Violence (KDRT). This report was submitted by Venna to the East Java Regional Police and confirmed.

Reportedly, this domestic violence occurred in the midst of their marriage, which was not even a year old. It is not yet known what is the source of the domestic violence among Venna and Ferry's households.

However, a few months ago, Venna Melinda had responded to the domestic violence case reported by Lesti Kejora against Rizky Billar. At that time, Venna gave her appreciation because Lesti ventured to report.

Venna also hopes that her household with Ferry Irawan will not experience anything like that. He said they always try to solve problems without emotions.

"I'm with Abi, yes, God willing, I will be a partner who makes each other happy, so if sometimes someone is like a child, we are Tom And Jerry too. Actually, the best thing is to remember religion, so if you have strong faith, it will be better," explained Venna Melinda.

"Yes, domestic violence is not only physical, but domestic violence can also be psychological, so if I always talk to my children. Women are better said to be fine, if the priest has a good atmosphere, we don't close," he continued.

Responding to Lesti Kejora's report, Venna Melinda said that the steps taken by Lesti Kejora were correct.

"As women we have to speak up, that's right. But the most important thing is that we have to be introspective before those emotions come into that situation," Venna said.

"If I am the most important woman in question who knows the best, what I feel, and what is the best for her. Most women use taste, yes, but it must be combined with common sense too," he said again.

Present next to Venna, Ferry Irawan also admitted that the household has ups and downs. But how they deal with it is the most important thing.

"In the household there will be ups and downs. All households have their own problems. We continue to learn to be better," said Ferry Irawan.

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