Just Carried Is Not Enough, Here's How To Calm A Crying Baby
Illustration of how to calm a crying baby (Unsplash/Chris Anderson)

YOGYAKARTA For new parents, the tears of the baby can be frustrating if they are not calmed down immediately. Research has responded to the anxiety of the new parent, who helps parents to find the right way to calm the crying baby.

Research published in Curent Biology in mid-September. Launching Neuroscience, the study was led by the Kumient Center for Brain Science in Japan. This study shows the importance of holding the baby while walking rather than holding the baby in a sitting position. More specifically, research explored goods and the team detailed how baby crying is physically influenced when held, carried, and laid.

The data from this study has great potential for calming the baby and sleeping in bed. badminton said the technique of calming the baby with a 'transport response'. This response is related to the activities of mothers carrying and affecting how babies can be calmer.

This study also compares changes in heart rate and behavior when the mother does activities that are usually done to calm the baby. Measured with a baby's ECG and a video camera to compare the effects between being carried, being pushed by a stroller, and holding a chair.

Through experiments conducted in the study, badminton showed several important findings. First, being carried while walking for five minutes can promote sleep but only effective when the baby is crying.

"Surprisingly, this effect doesn't happen when the baby has calmed down before," said Olanda.

When the baby cried and was carried while walking, the heartbeat decreased and about half the baby who took part in the experiment fell asleep. The second finding, the baby cried while sitting did not make the baby calmer. Heart rate tends to rise and cry continuously.

According to researchers, heart rate is a measure to show the micro effects of mother-carrying activities. They concluded that babies were very sensitive to all their mother movements.

Gradually, this study provided steps for the baby to calm down and fall asleep. After being carried and invited to walk for 5 minutes, you can move movements by sitting for 8 minutes. Then you can slowly put the baby gently into the bed. If it is carried while walking and immediately putting the baby in bed, it will make the heartbeat rise and they will wake up.

Carried with a duration of more than 8 minutes before lying in bed needs to be done. Therefore, badminton recommends that when a baby crys too much and can't sleep, the mother has to carry her for 5 minutes and a little movement suddenly. Then followed by 8 minutes of sitting before lying down to sleep.

That's research that can help parents to calm their fussy babies. This method can also be applied to put the baby to sleep that wakes up in the middle of the night. It may also help identify the cause of the baby crying when placed.

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