Testicular Tumors Can Be Cured? Know The Facts About Symptoms, Causes, And Treatment
Illustration of whether testicular tumor or cancer can be cured, identify symptoms, causes, and treatment (iStockphoto)

YOGYAKARTA – Lumps and discomfort in the testicles, need to be examined or diagnosed clinically. The reason, could be one of the symptoms of a testicular tumor. Citing VOI Sport, it was reported that Sebastien Heller, the Borussia Dortmund striker, complained of being unwell and was medically examined. The tumor was found in the testicle and was given the best possible intensive care, said director Sebastian Kehl.

Tumor or testicular cancer is most common in men aged 15-44 years. With an early diagnosis, testicular cancer can be cured and the risk of dying from this cancer is quite small, the Urology Care Foundation launched on Wednesday, July 20. The pain experienced by testicular cancer patients depends on the type of cancer cells that have spread and the patient's overall health.

Early signs of cancer, it is recommended to be recognized early. Examination can be done independently first and if you find general symptoms, the examination must be done clinically. In general, testicular tumors are recognized when they find a suspicious lump, swelling, or pain in the testicular area.

apakah tumor testis bisa sembuh
Illustration of whether testicular tumor or cancer can be cured, identify symptoms, causes, and treatment (iStockphoto)

The testes are part of the male reproductive system. These two egg-shaped glands are stored in the scrotum under the penis. The testes should be about the same size as each other, although one may be larger than the other. On the upper and outer edges it is a tube called the epididymis. The testes are the site of mature sperm which is also associated with the hormone testosterone or which controls sex drive in men. Signs of a testicular tumor, specifically include:

Painless lump in the testicle Swelling of the testicle, either with or without pain Heaviness of the scrotum Dull pain in the testicles, scrotum, or groin Changes in male breast tissue

If you find the most common signs experienced as above, it is advisable to immediately see a doctor to find out whether it is a tumor or not. Keep in mind, very few men with testicular cancer feel pain at first. So, when you find a lump in the testicle, it is necessary to check it immediately because if it is too late it can spread.

Testicular cancer risk factors are impossible to avoid. The reason is that men who are at high risk of experiencing it are related to a genetic history of whether their father or brother suffers from testicular cancer. Another factor that affects it, whether or not you have experienced undescended testicles before birth, known as cryptorchidism. In addition, abnormal cells in the testes called germ cell neoplasia in situ (GCNIS), most commonly found during infertility tests, are also a high risk factor for testicular tumors.

apakah tumor testis bisa sembuh
Illustration of whether testicular tumor or cancer can be cured, identify symptoms, causes, and treatment (iStockphoto)

Self-checking at home is also recommended. To examine the testicles, roll them gently. It should also be noted that if one testicle is larger than the other, it is normal. Look for lumps, swelling, or anything that seems abnormal. This self-examination needs to be done once a month.

Medical examination is carried out by checking health records and physical condition. A urologist, will examine the scrotum, abdomen, lymph nodes, and other parts of the body for signs of cancer. They will also perform testicular imaging or ultrasound tests, blood tests, and serum tumor marker tests.

Unlike other cancers, doctors do not take a tissue sample or biopsy before surgery. Based on the stage, testicular cancer is categorized in Stage 0, which is called GCNIS which is a warning that cancer can grow. Next, Stage I, where the cancer is only found in the testicles. Stage II, the cancer has spread to the other testicle to the lymph nodes. Stage III, the cancer has spread beyond the lymph nodes.

To treat and cure patients from testicular tumors, the medical will perform surveillance, surgery, radiation, and chemotherapy. Prior to treatment, the medical practitioner will also talk about whether the patient wants to have children, about the risks of infertility, and hormonal changes after certain treatments.

After undergoing treatment, testicular tumor patients need to be done. Routine checks are also mandatory.

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