Cool, Anggun Nyinden On Paris Street Supports The MSME Exhibition Held By Gibran Rakabuming
Anggun C Sasmi (Photo: Twitter @LeviniaCk)

JAKARTA - Anggun C Sasmi was appointed as a sinden at the opening of the MSME exhibition in collaboration with the Indonesian Embassy in France and the Shopee company which was held at the Le BHV Marais shopping center. In an upload on Twitter, Anggi admitted that he was enthusiastic because it was the first time he had sung a Javanese song.

"Practice at the Indonesian Embassy for the #JavaInParis event on June 8 tomorrow at BHV Le Marais. The first time I nyinden, then I nyinden it in Paris," wrote Aggung during a training session with dancers from Solo, June 6.

When appearing on the streets of Paris, Anggun looks beautiful and confident wearing batik. With her distinctive voice, Anggun attracts the interest of road users.

The event, which was initiated by the Mayor of Surakarta, Gibran Rakabuming Raka, aims to introduce the superior product of Solo batik to the Paris market through. On that occasion, he deliberately brought various batik motifs.

"Tomorrow we will introduce why the motifs are different. Each motif and color of the batik that is brought has its own philosophy. This is what makes batik very rich," he said at a talkshow entitled Fruits of the Nation in Paris, quoted from ANTARA, Thursday, 9 June.

He said that at the exhibition there were as many as 1,200 products to be exhibited. In addition, on this occasion will also be introduced to the culture of Solo.

Through the exhibition, he hopes that French citizens and tourists visiting the country can receive and buy products from Solo.

"Moreover, Paris has been known as the world's fashion center. The exhibition itself will be held for the next month," he said.

On the same occasion, the Indonesian Ambassador to France, Andorra, Monaco, and the Permanent Delegation of Indonesia to UNESCO Mohamad Oemar said that not just any product could be introduced at Le BHV Marais because the team from BHV Marais had curation experts.

"So not only the marketing team but they also have market research experts. Experts in certain fields are displayed, for example fashion, painting or handicrafts. So they can determine whether their products can be accepted by the French public or not," he said.

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