Avoid Breast Cancer Risk By Consuming These
Illustration (Lisa/Pexels)

JAKARTA - Breast cancer is one of the most common types of cancer experienced by women, including in Indonesia. With various trigger factors that cannot be ascertained, there are many ways that women need to do to avoid the risk of breast cancer. Breast exams, regular exercise, and eating a balanced nutritious diet are some of the ways you can do it.

Well, for those of you who are confused about choosing what foods can help avoid the risk of breast cancer. Below, you can choose your favorite food ingredients, while helping to avoid the risk of breast cancer. The following is a list, launched from HerWorld, Thursday, November 25.


Rich in omega 3 fatty acids and various other nutrients, walnuts or walnuts can help fight inflammation in the body. In addition, some research reveals that walnuts can slow the growth of tumors in the breast so you can make these nuts as a food choice.


This spice, which is identical to its bright yellow color, contains curcumin. If these ingredients are combined with medication, turmeric plays an important role in fighting malignant tumors in the breast area. However, as a preventive measure, you can include turmeric in your food, one of which is making vegetable curry by mixing broccoli, onions, and garlic to make it a healthy dish to avoid breast cancer.


An apple a day keeps the doctor away is a classic phrase that you often hear when it comes to health, but if you want to avoid the risk of cancer, especially breast cancer. The content of apples you can use to avoid these risks with a wealth of antioxidants, fiber, and various other components needed to avoid cancer. However, do not peel the apple, because the content is mostly in the skin of the apple.


This type of vegetable is one of the most widely known food ingredients to avoid the risk of breast cancer. Research reveals that broccoli can inhibit tumor growth and anticipate the spread of cancer cells in one part of the body.

However, if you are not a fan of broccoli, there are some green vegetables that you can make an alternative such as cauliflower, cabbage, and kale. One thing is for sure, you must eat these vegetables to avoid the risk of breast cancer.


This one ingredient has become a natural flavor enhancer that certainly will not be missed in every dish. Garlic is one of the allium vegetables that has a myriad of nutrients, including flavonoid antioxidants and vitamin C. A study of 285 women found that high garlic consumption may protect against breast cancer.

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