JAKARTA - The Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) has not yet issued a Determination Letter (SK) for the special mining permit (WIUPK) which will be managed by Muhammadiyah.
Director of Mineral and Coal Program Development at the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources Julian Ambassador Shiddiq said that until now the decree is still being studied by the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources.
"Muhammadiyah has not yet arrived because it is still in the process of our study of the IUPK that will be given," he said, quoted on Friday, January 24.
He continued, the current study is in the form of large coal reserves available in the area. The reason is, so far the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources has only received an initial indication of the estimated reserves, but does not yet know the exact amount of reserves.
"IUP recipients are required to carry out exploration with a maximum period of 7 years," added Julian.
Just so you know, in the General Hearing Meeting (RDPU) with the Legislation Body, PP Muhammadiyah Representative Syahrial Suandi said that until now his party had not received a decree on land for the former Coal Mining Concession Work Agreement (PKP2B) owned by PT Adaro Energy Tbk.
"So far we have not received the IUP, but as we know yesterday the information is the former Adaro PKP2B," said Suandi.
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