Kadin Said Cooperatives Are A Solution For Providing ASN Residential Residential Services At IKN
Residents walked around Taman Kusuma Bangsa, the capital city of Nusantara (IKN), Penajam Paser Utara, East Kalimantan. (Photo: ANTARA)

JAKARTA - The Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Kadin) assesses that the development of the State Capital (IKN) of the Archipelago provides a great opportunity for cooperatives to play an active role, especially in providing housing for state civil servants (ASN) who will move to IKN.

Deputy Chairperson of the Standing Committee for Increasing the Use of Domestic Products (P3DN) of the Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Ikhwan Primanda, in a statement in Jakarta, Tuesday, said hundreds of thousands of ASNs who moved to IKN could be encouraged to form thousands of ASN cooperatives, starting with the housing development business for their members.

The involvement of this cooperative is considered to be able to help save the state budget, considering that the concept of smart-vertical-living housing currently being carried is very expensive for the economic capacity of ASN and the government.

A total of 47 residential towers built by the Ministry of PUPR cost Rp9.3 trillion to build 2,820 residential units or equivalent to Rp3.3 billion per unit covering an area of 98 m2, or Rp1.1 billion per room.

If the ASN moves to around 118,513 people, the cost of building vertical housing will cost Rp150,390 trillion.

According to him, the involvement of cooperatives to build IKN housing could accelerate the transfer of the function of the central government to IKN.

The first step is to move 118,513 ASN to modular housing which can be built quickly. Each modular residence for 80-250 ASN can also be built in the middle of land 6-20 ha.

In six months, BUMN works can complete housing for 10,000 ASN so that in 2024 the number of ASN transferred can be in accordance with the scenario, namely as many as 14,000 ASN.

"The second step, ASN is offered a plot of ownership rights of @500 m2 to build its own housing in collaboration with the cooperative of choice. Assuming as many as six builders can complete the construction of 2 Instant Healthy Homes (RISHA) within 7-10 days, or as many as 70 houses a year. Thus, 1,000 construction workers are needed to build 10,000 RISHA in one year," he said as quoted by ANTARA, Monday, August 19.

The government is sufficient to facilitate the construction of roads, ditches, electricity networks, clean water networks only with a budget of around Rp. 2.4 trillion for 10,000 plots.

"By using the concept of ASN residential cooperatives, the Rp16 trillion budget per year is sufficient to accelerate the transfer of 118,513 ASN to 12 years," he said.

He said each cooperative was given housing land of 3'4 hectares so that the concept of landed housing for 118,513 ASN only required 9,000 hectares of land.

The ASN Cooperative only pays Rp. 15' 30 million per hectare according to the price of plantation land in Sepaku before there is an IKN. ASN housing land can be taken from 34,000 hectares in the IKN area which is already controlled by the government.

According to him, the cost of RISHA development can be borne directly by the current ASN salary through the mortgage scheme: debt of Rp. 200 million, ASN gets 70 type houses and 500 square meters of land. Later, ASN can slowly renovate and build housing according to their individual tastes.

He added that the Nusantara ASN cooperative began with ASN, but later non-ASN could also join as long as they had the same commitment and productivity to work on building IKN.

IKN cooperative economic activity can be started from residential development, then spread to other services such as trade, culinary, accommodation, and transportation.

He said that like housing developers in general, the initial capital of this cooperative is land, which the government must provide as compensation for the willingness of ASN to move and start a new life in the eucalyptus forest and turn a collection of deserted concrete buildings into bustling.

"In order for cooperatives to continue to grow, every time the government issues business licenses to large investors, the government must also provide concessions or similar permits and capital facilities to cooperatives. This model of cooperative development side by side with private corporations will make the IKN economy grow independent," he added.

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