Jokowi Says Indonesia Doesn't Want To Lose The Momentum Of A Green Economy
President Joko Widodo during the annual session of the MPR RI at the DPR Building, Jakarta. (Photo: Screenshot of the Presidential Secretariat YouTube)

JAKARTA - President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) said that he did not want to lose the momentum to form a green economy in the country. Because now the eyes of the world are starting to direct their future to a green economy.

"Indonesia also does not want to lose momentum because Indonesia has great potential in the green energy sector, which is around 3,600 GW, both from water energy, wind, solar, geothermal, sea waves, and bio-energy," said Jokowi at the MPR/DPR/DPD RI Annual Session which was held at the Parliament Complex, Senayan, Jakarta, Friday, August 16.

Jokowi said that to achieve a green economy, it must continue to be consistent in taking part in the world's steps to make a careful and gradual energy transition.

"The energy transition that we want to realize is a just energy transition, which is affordable and easily accessible to the public," he said.

Previously, the Ministry of National Development Planning/National Development Planning Agency (PPN/Bappenas) said that the implementation of a green economy in the industrial sector would result in new business opportunities.

"We know that when applying green economic principles, it should be for industry and business people to get new business opportunities," said Deputy for Economic Affairs of the Ministry of National Development Planning/Bappenas Amalia Adininggar Widyasanti at the Green Economy Expo 2024: Advancing Technology, Innovation and Circularity at the Jakarta Convention Center (JCC), Central Jakarta, monitored online on Thursday, July 4.

Amalia said that the implementation of a green economy in the industrial sector needs to be encouraged so that inclusive and sustainable economic growth can be realized immediately. This is based on experience from other countries.

"So, when we encourage a green economy, (will form) inclusive and sustainable economic growth. Not slowing economic growth, but the experience of other countries implementing a green economy will actually have new opportunities," he said.

For example, said Amalia, if currently in the global market everyone wants to buy products that are sustainable and have a tagline that this product is a green product, it is hoped that industrial companies can produce these products.

"This is a sustainable product or green product, it will be more sought after than products that do not include the tagline. This is actually if we have green products, then sustainable. Right, we will have new market opportunities compared to conventional products," he said.

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