Pertamina IHC Reveals BIH Capai Development 80 Percent
Bali International Hospital. (Photo: ANTARA)

JAKARTA - The BUMN Hospital Holding, PT Pertamina Bina Medika IHC (Indonesia Healthcare Corporation) revealed that the construction of the Bali International Hospital (BIH) has reached 80 percent.

"Currently, 80 percent of the construction has been running," said Acting President Director and Medical Director of PT Pertamina Bina Medika IHC Lia G Partakusuma as reported by ANTARA, Wednesday, August 14.

Lia added that the hospital, which is located in the Sanur Special Economic Zone (KEK), Bali, is targeted to be inaugurated and will start operating in March or the first quarter of 2025.

"2025 for March for grand opening. Please pray," he said.

The hospital, which is under the management of Pertamina IHC, he said would recruit 10 percent of doctors from abroad.

He also said that he had collaborated with one of the laboratories from Singapore to transfer knowledge so that the standard of hospital services and quality could increase.

For the recruitment process for foreign doctors, Lia said it was carried out strictly. Moreover, this hospital is located in a special economic area so that the requirements run according to the rules of the Ministry of Health.

"So no one suddenly entered directly, we all followed the applicable rules," he also said.

The medical services presented at BIH include cancer, cardiology, oncology, neuro/stroke, gastrology and orthopedic treatment.

BIH has an area of about five hectares within the Sanur Health SEZ which has a total area of 41.26 hectares.

The government hopes that the facilities in the Health SEZ will improve the economy while improving health facilities in Indonesia.

Based on data from the National Council of SEZs in 2030, it is projected that around 4-8 percent of Indonesia's population or around 123 thousand to 240 thousand people who previously seek treatment abroad will be treated in Indonesia, one of which is in BIH.

In nominal terms, until 2045 the total foreign exchange savings which is expected to reach IDR 86 trillion and the total increase in foreign exchange in the same period reached IDR 19.6 trillion.

The KEK National Council also stated that the Sanur Health SEZ has an investment value of IDR 10.2 trillion which is expected to absorb a large number of workers.

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