PLN Indonesia Power Strengthens Hydrogen Ecosystem From Upstream To Downstream
Illustration. (Photo: Doc. Antara)

JAKARTA - President Director of PT PLN Indonesia Power (IP) Edwin Nugraha Putra said his party was committed to strengthening the hydrogen ecosystem from upstream to downstream.

"PLN IP will immediately expand the use of hydrogen as a source of energy for power plants with a total capacity of 41 GW. This is a corporate breakthrough in carrying out the energy transition to achieve the net zero emission target by 2060," he said in a statement in Jakarta, quoted from Antara, Monday, July 8.

According to him, hydrogen is one solution to reduce carbon emissions produced by motorized vehicles because these energies do not produce residual burning substances or carbon emissions.

"The hydrogen system has actually been used in power plants for a long time to cool generators," said Edwin.

As the main provider for the development of environmentally friendly new and renewable energy plants (EBT), PLN through its subholding PLN Indonesia Power will also develop power plants with hydrogen-based energy.

Based on the roadmap, there will be 41 GW of electricity generated from hydrogen energy.

"Development of hydrogen is one of the roadmaps owned by PLN to achieve the NDC target or national determined contribution in 2030 and net zero emissions in 2060," he said.

NDC is a commitment and effort by a country to reduce greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) and adapt to the impacts of climate change.

Edwin added that it is planned that by 2023 to 2030 there will be the development of hydrogen and ammonia energy as derivatives of hydrogen in power plants as fuels to replace fossil energy.

"Of course, this will provide a lot of benefits, because the zero carbon and savings costs are very high. So, this is what happens if we use hydrogen," he continued.

Edwin added that PLN Indonesia Power has totality in developing hydrogen energy in the country, by providing hydrogen infrastructure from upstream to downstream.

On the upstream side, PLN Indonesia Power has made the Kamojang PLTP officially the first geothermal-based green hydrogen producer in Southeast Asia.

In addition, PLN Indonesia Power will also develop other PLTPs as hydrogen producers, namely PLTP Gunung Salak, Ulubelu, Darajat, Lahendong, and Ulumbu.

According to Edwin, hydrogen is one of the clean energy that will support the implementation of the NZE energy transition and achievement in 2060, therefore PLN Indonesia Power is committed to continuing to develop it.

"PLN Indonesia Power will show its commitment to the world, that we use hydrogen to produce environmentally friendly energy," he added.

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