PLN Successfully Processed 13 Thousand Tons Of Holtekamp PLTU Waste Into Infrastructure Materials
Photo: Doc. Antara

JAKARTA - PT PLN Main Unit for the Papua and West Papua Region (UIWP2B) succeeded in processing the remaining 13 thousand tons of PLTU Holtekamp production to be used as a mixture of infrastructure material.

General Manager of PT PLN (Persero) Main Unit for the Papua and West Papua Region, Budiono in Jayapura, Sunday, June 30, said that the 13 thousand tons were the remaining production of PLTU or Fly Ash and Bottom Ash (FABA) from 2023 to May 2024.

"FABA which is used for building raw materials and then processed into mixed raw materials has been declared to have passed the analysis test and is declared suitable for use," he said, quoted from Antara, Monday, July 1.

According to Budiono, some of the utilizations include land stabilization and roadbase at Papua Madani Boarding School Jayapura, the GKI Church for West Koya, the GKI Polimak Church, the Central Koya Village Community RW 02, Danbekang Kodam XVII Jayapura and several other locations.

"Meanwhile, the Center for Cenderawasih University Studies, West Koya Gemilang MSMEs, the West Koya GBI Church also utilizes FABA which has been processed into paving blocks or bricks for several other building infrastructures," he said.

He explained that now people in Jayapura are starting to know the benefits of FABA and use it for various infrastructure mixture materials, so this is proof that PLN is committed to processing the remaining operations of the generator and providing economic value to the waste.

"We will work with all parties to open the widest opportunity for people who want to use FABA to become high-value products. This is in line with our efforts to carry out the company's commitment to the principles of Environmental, Social and Governance which creates sustainable economic development," he said.

Meanwhile, the Head of the Center for Civil Engineering Studies at Cenderawasih University, Petrus Bahtiar, said that he used approximately five thousand paving blocks to build public road facilities at Puri Waena Lestari Housing, Waena, Jayapura City as a form of service to the Cenderawasih University academic community to the community.

"After conducting research and pressing the quality of the paving block based on FABA, it is much lighter and cheaper when compared to bricks in general," he said.

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