Boosting Environmentally Friendly Projects, Here Are A Series Of Inalum Steps!
Photo illustration. (Doc. Inalum)

JAKARTA - PT Indonesia Asahan Aluminum (Inalum), carries out environmental conservation directions in accordance with the reference group Holding Sustainability Pathway Group MIND ID.

These efforts make Inalum focused on steps to preserve biodiversity, decarbonization, water and waste management, as well as responsible production. For these efforts and hard work, Inalum achieved the best achievement of the Highest Gold and Green Proper by the end of 2023.

Inalum Corporate Secretary Mahyaruddin Ende said that this performance was the result of the hard work of all Inalum Personnel and full support from all stakeholders in synergizing and collaborating.

"The performance of the Inalum Environment in 2023 is the result of hard work from all Inalum personnel and good collaboration with all stakeholders," said Mahyaruddin, Saturday, June 29.

There are 13 INALM commitments that serve as guidelines in the implementation of environmental management procedures, namely:

1. Perform environmental protection and prevent environmental pollution.

2. Waste management B3 by prioritizing reducce, reuse, recycle, and recovery (4R) programs

3. Management of non-B3 waste by prioritizing the reduce, reuse, recycle, and recovery (4R) program

4. Melakukan upaya mitigasi terhadap kerusakan lingkungan (air, air dan tanah).

5. Perform mitigation efforts to reduce the value of the Biodiversity Index (1KHB).

6. Participate in reducing the impact of conventional air emissions and Greenhouse Gas (GHG).

7. Perform water efficiency including efforts to reduce the burden of wastewater pollution.

8. Make efforts to improve environmental performance in a sustainable manner based on life cycle cycle assessment (life cycle assessment)

9. Carry out environmental management efforts that contribute to sustainable development goals (SDGs).

10. Energy efficiency and optimizing the use of renewable energy sources and natural resource conservation.

11. Perform continuous improvements to improve the performance of the Environmental and Energy Management System.

12. Obeying the applicable laws and regulations, including the terms of stakeholders.

13. Melakukan pemberdayaan masyarakat dan lingkungan sekitar Perusahaan melalui penerapan CSR

In terms of Energy Efficiency, Inalum applies the energy conversion from High Speed Diesel (HSD) to Liquified Natural Gas (LNG) on the Anode Baking Process.

Meanwhile, in terms of Emission Control, Inalum decreases the Anode Effect Frequency by the Method of Combining the Use of Longitudinal And Slot Slot Slot Anodes on the Shutter Gate Feeding System.

In terms of Water Weight Efficiency and Control, Inalum reduces the burden of water polluters (TDS=Total Dissolve Solid) by installing the title in WWTP.

Then in the event of managing 3R of solid & Non-B3 Waste, Inalum utilizes wood pellets as carts for selling residents around the company's operational area.

Then to reduce B3 Waste, Inalum reduces B3 Laboratory Waste for AIF3 Material Testing by Conducting Alternative Testing Research Using X-Ray.

In 2024, Inalum is still committed to being able to do its best in terms of environmental management. This Environmental and Energy Policy is established, communicated, and applied to all Inalum stakeholders consistently, evaluated, and continuously improved to ensure their effectiveness.

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