The Domestic Waste Management System In Palembang Is Being Chased By The Village In December 2023
The Domestic-Centralized Waste Management System (SPALD-T) in Palembang City, South Sumatra Province. Photo: Doc. Ministry of PUPR

The Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) targets the Domestic-Centralized Waste Management System (SPALD-T) in Palembang City, South Sumatra Province, to be completed by the end of 2023.

The construction of the Palembang City SPALD-T is part of the Palembang City Sewerage Project (PCSP) program which is carried out with funding support between the Australian Government, the Ministry of PUPR, the South Sumatra Provincial Government, and the Palembang City Government.

Director General of Human Settlements of the Ministry of PUPR Diana Kusumastuti said that currently the PCSP work package has been completed, namely the main pipeline and retriculation B2 A package built with APBN funds by contractor PT Adhi Karya worth Rp236 billion.

Meanwhile, for the A2-construction package, Domestic Waste Management Installation (IPALD) and Pump A Stations built with Australian Government Grants worth IDR 455 billion and the main pipeline and retriculation B2 B-line packages built with APBN funds worth IDR 191 billion are targeted for completion in December 2023.

"Packet B2 B, the main network (trunk game) work will be completed and a commissioning test will be carried out at the end of September 2023. Meanwhile, the construction work for the Home Connection (SR) will be completed in December 2023," Diana said in a written statement, quoted Tuesday, August 8.

Diana said that currently, the construction work for the Domestic Waste Processing Installation (IPALD) has been completely completed and is in the commissioning test process, in order to meet the prerequisites for the operation of installations with a discharge of 1,500 cubic meters per day.

"It is estimated that by the end of November 2023 the total waste water discharge can be flowed and processed by 347 cubic meters per day. Meanwhile, the discharge of 973 cubic meters per day will be channeled after the piping work sourced from the City Budget and Provincial APBD is complete," he said.

According to Diana, it is necessary to accelerate the determination of domestic wastewater management rates through the Mayor's Decree. "The results of the study of tariff options and drafts for the draft Decree of the Mayor of the Palembang City Government have been submitted by KIAT (Indonesia Partnership for Infrastructure) to the Palembang City Government," he said.

He also added that the PCSP program is expected to bring good benefits to reduce wastewater pollution while improving the health quality of residents, especially in Palembang City.

"This idea has been around for a long time, I hope that what we have planned can be useful for the people of Palembang and South Sumatra, so that they can live healthier lives and reduce stunting rates. Hopefully in 2023 it can be operated and inaugurated immediately," said Diana.

The domestic wastewater treatment installation (IPALD) built through this PCSP activity is located in Sei Selayur, Kalidoni District, with a land area of 5.9 hectares (ha). The IPALD is built in stages with a total capacity of 20,300 cubic meters per day.

This system is expected to provide benefits for 21,700 Home Connections (SR) and will continue to be developed by the Palembang City Government, South Sumatra Provincial Government, and the Directorate General of Human Settlements of the Ministry of PUPR.

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