Regarding Small Warung Prohibited From Selling 3 Kg Of Elpiji Gas, Here's Pertamina's ANSWER
Illustration (Photo: Doc. Antara)

JAKARTA - PT Pertamina Patra Niaga Corporate Secretary Irto Ginting responded to the hectic news about small stalls no longer being able to sell 3 kg LPG.

Irto said that currently Pertamina is still testing the 3 kg LPG purchase using an ID card in 5 sub-districts.

Because it is still being carried out in 5 sub-districts, continued Irto, people can still buy 3 kg LPG gas at retail stalls and traders.

"Currently we are still conducting trials in 5 sub-districts. In the 5 sub-districts there are still sales at stalls," said Irto to VOI, Tuesday, January 17.

The 5 sub-districts are Cipondoh District, Tangerang City; Ciputat District, South Tangerang City; Ngaliyan District, Semarang City; Batu Ampar District, Batam City; and Mataram District, Mataram City.

Irto added that the current trial still matches the data between buyers and data on the Monitoring of the Acceleration of the Elimination of Extreme Poverty (P3KE) from the government.

When asked about the imposition of purchase restrictions throughout Indonesia, Irto was reluctant to give a definite answer.

"We are waiting for the results of the evaluation," concluded Irto.

Previously, it was also reported that the Director General of Oil and Gas at the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, Tutuka Ariadji, emphasized that during the trial period, all registered consumers could buy subsidized 3 kg LPG.

"There are no restrictions for households and Micro Enterprises to use LPG for cooking," he said in a statement to the media, Saturday, December 31.

Tutuka added that since October 2022 the government has been testing the use of the merchant app lite system in the distribution sub in the context of collecting consumer data.

The trials were carried out on one sub-district each in Tangerang City, South Tangerang, Batam, Semarang, and Mataram.

In these areas, consumers mention NIK before purchasing subsidized LPG. Consumers that have been recorded in the P3KE data can directly transact.

Meanwhile, unregistered consumers can fill in data at MAP Lite with the help of a base. This process only needs to be done once and then consumers can transact as usual.

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