There Is A Potential Cuan Behind The Mati Injection'' Of The Coal PLTU, The Bank Has The Opportunity To Salurkan Financing
Illustration (Photo: Doc. Ministry of Finance)

JAKARTA - The government through the Ministry of Finance (Kemenkeu) is said to remain committed to carrying out an economic transition to productive activities in accordance with green economy principles.

Deputy Minister of Finance (Wamenkeu) Suahasil Nazara said that efforts to make this happen are not only limited to the scope of infrastructure development that is environmentally friendly.

"We all know that Indonesia has been having a surplus of electricity, which is mostly produced by coal plants (vapor power plants/PLTU)," he said at the 2023 Economic Outlook forum, Tuesday, November 29.

Suahasil tidak mengungkasi bahwa kegiatan produksi kampar melalui PLTU terkadang menimbulkan ekses negatif terhadap lingkungan.

"Well, here we highlight Indonesia's role. We in international forums such as the G20 yesterday talked about the green economy not only in the context of building, but also how we transition to green activities," he said.

The representative from Sri Mulyani also said that this transition process meant that the production of electricity from new stones gradually could be reduced and replaced by better sources.

"If we want to succeed in this, but there is a PLTU whose contract is still 25 years old, for example, then we want to accelerate (closure) then we talk about early retirement," he added.

So if there is an early warning, there are business calculations in the form of compensation that must be given (to the PLTU). So there must be new business that has never existed before. I hope friends in the financial sector, including banks, can enter," continued Suahasil.

He even believes that the banking sector has the potential to increase asset valuation if it is included in the energy transition scheme for early retirement of PLTU.

In my opinion, coal power plants in the early warning scheme should be the new asset class. It can be financed because it's a good business for transition energy towards a green economy. I believe the banking sector can be a very important player in this context," he said.

According to VOI records, the government has determined the acceleration of the cessation of the Cirebon-1 PLTU operation, which is a coal-fired power plant with a capacity of 660 megawatts in West Java. The lettik dead'' step emerged in a series of G20 Summits in Bali in mid-November.

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