At The Assessment Of World Bank Officials, Sri Mulyani EMPHASIZED Indonesia's Commitment To Climate Change
Minister of Finance Sri Mulyani (center) visited the headquarters of the World Bank in the United States (Photo: Doc. Ministry of Finance)

JAKARTA Minister of Finance (Menkeu) Sri Mulyani is said to have just held a meeting with Vice President East and Asia Pacific World Bank (World Bank) Manuela V Ferro and Vice President for Human Development World Bank Mamta Murthi in Washington DC, United States.

On this occasion, both parties were involved in strategic talks related to various important information that adds insight and insight into macroeconomic developments and their prospects for the future globally.

Minister of Finance Sri Mulyani said that the achievement of Indonesia's economic performance continues and is experiencing strengthening.

"Even so, we must not be careless about the increase in global risks that must be watched out for," he said as reported by the official website today, Thursday, October 20.

According to the Minister of Finance, this meeting agenda was also used by the government to seek program information from the World Bank to overcome climate change problems.

"This is important for progress in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals 2030 because it is in line with Indonesia's commitment to overcome climate change and achieve a green economy," he said.

The state treasurer also expressed his appreciation for the development of the Country Climate and Development Report (CCDR) conducted by the World Bank.

In addition, the Minister of Finance encouraged the World Bank to support structural reforms related to the transition to a low-carbon economy in Indonesia. "Especially in some of the main issues related to climate budget tagging, carbon prices, and energy transition mechanism," closed the Minister of Finance Sri Mulyani.

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