Happy News For Tofu And Tempe Crafts, Minister Of Trade Zulhas Extension Assistance For The Difference In The Price Of Goods To End Of The Year
Minister of Trade Zulkifli Hasan. (Photo: Doc. ANTARA)

JAKARTA - Trade Minister Zulkifli Hasan emphasized that the Ministry of Trade will continue the program to purchase soy price difference at the tempeh craft level until the end of 2022.

This step is expected to help craftsmen to know tempeh continue to produce. So that the community's vegetable protein needs can be met.

This was emphasized by Trade Minister Zulkifli Hasan during a meeting with tempeh craftsmen at the Head of the Tempe Tautul Indonesia Cooperative Center (Puskotti) Bandar Lampung, Lampung Province, on Friday, September 30.

Present at this event were the Chairman of the Association of Tempe Tautindo Cooperatives (Gakoptindo) Aip Syarifuddin and the Head of the Lampung Puskopti Alim S. The event was also attended by 150 tofu craftsmen and tempeh from Lampung Province.

At this meeting, Trade Minister Zulkifli Hasan was accompanied by Acting Director General of Domestic Trade Syailendra and Head of the Kasan Trade Policy Agency.

"The government has decided to extend the assistance program for the difference in the purchase price of soybean raw materials for tempeh craftsmen by Rp. 1,000 per kg until the end of December 2022. This is done to maintain soy price stability at the level of craftsmen who have experienced an increase," said Zulkifli Hasan.

With the extension of the price difference assistance program, said Zulkifli Hasan, the tofu and tempeh craftsmen can get affordable soybean prices and maintain the sustainability of their business of producing tofu and tempeh at reasonable prices.

Previously, Zulhas as Zulkifli Hasan's nickname had sent an application letter to the Ministry of State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN) to assign Perum Bulog to continue the program to provide replacement assistance for the difference in the purchase price of soybeans to to to tofu and tempeh craftsmen.

Berdasarkan data Chicago Board of Trade (CBOT), rata-rata harga soy internasional pada Minggu ke-5 September 2022 sebesar 14,17 dolar per gantang.

Meanwhile, the average price of soybean sales at the Kopti level is still quite high, which is around Rp. 12,600 per kg.

Zulhas juga meminta komitmen dari Gapoltindo untuk menyalurkan bantuan seleksi harga soy kepada anggota pekeris tahu dan tempeh secara merata di seluruh wilayah Indonesia.

He said, Gapoltindo must ensure that soybean price difference assistance can be felt directly by craftsmen and minimize distribution irregularities to non-targeted parties.

Not only that, Zulhas also appealed to Kopti to coordinate with the local government, the Ministry of Cooperatives and Small and Medium Enterprises, and the Ministry of Industry in distributing soybeans to to to tofu and tempeh craftsmen.

"Kopti must ensure the distribution of soybeans to to tofu and tempeh craftsmen who are members to maintain the principles of accountability, transparency, and good governance," he said.

In 2022, the government agreed to increase local soybean production to meet the needs of tofu and tempeh raw materials. For this reason, the assignment of Perum Bulog must prioritize the procurement or absorption of local soybeans from farmers.

The results of this absorption will be distributed to to to tofu and tempeh craftsmen, as a form of support for the Government's program in increasing local soy production.

"We have to be self-sufficient by planting soybeans so that we don't depend on imports. The government will help soybean seeds and the government will buy the proceeds," he concluded.

Meanwhile, Chairman of the Association of Tempe Tautindo Cooperatives (Gakoptindo) Aip Syarifuddin said improvements were needed in increasing the effectiveness of the aid program by difference in the purchase price of soybeans so that they could reach the target and be on target.

"This government assistance is very helpful for tempeh craftsmen and he hopes that the realization of this assistance can be accelerated," said Aip.

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