The Ministry Of Trade Sets A Target For The Establishment Of A Crypto Exchange By This Year
Illustration (Photo: Doc. Antara)

JAKARTA - The Ministry of Trade (Kemendag) is targeting the establishment of a crypto exchange in 2022.

Currently, the Commodity Futures Supervisory Agency (CoFTRA) is preparing regulations that must be met.

"We hope this can be completed in the near future. Hopefully this year," said Deputy Minister of Trade (Wamendag) Jerry Sambuaga, Monday, August 15.

Jerry said that his party did not want to rush in preparing the terms and regulations.

Jerry admitted that he prioritized the precautionary principle in preparing everything so that no problems would arise in the future.

"We want everything complete. The requirements are passed and comply with the regulations," he explained.

For your information, the plan to build a train market in Indonesia was initiated by CoFTRA in 2021.

The establishment of the exchange aims to protect business actors, along with the rapid development of cryptocurrencies.

Previously, the Ministry of Trade (Kemendag) through the Commodity Futures Supervisory Agency (CoFTRA) released the latest rules for trading the physical market for crypto assets, namely Perba Number 11 of 2022.

In this latest regulation, there are 383 cryptocurrencies registered and eligible for CoFTRA.

Of the 383 registered in the Crypto Asset Physical Data, there are 10 tokens that belong to domestic business actors, the following is the list:

1. Ana Coin2. Cindrum3. Degree crypto token4. RupiahToken5. KeyCoins6. Livepeer7. Shill Token8. PTU Token9. Tokenomy10. Token Shop

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