Before The Ticket Price Increases To Rp.
Illustration (Photo: Doc. Antara)

JAKARTA – The discourse of increasing the price of Borobudur entrance tickets to Rp. 750,000 for domestic tourists continues to attract public attention. The management, namely PT Taman Wisata Candi Borobudur, Prambanan, and Ratu Boko (PT TWC) said that the planned increase was based on two things.

The first is related to the limitation of the quota of 1,200 people who are allowed to go up to the Borobudur Temple building. Second, because of efforts to maintain and preserve (conservation) Borobudur Temple buildings which are starting to be affected due to the large number of tourist visits.

Apart from this, the actual performance of PT TWC is facing financial pressure. Citing the last published 2020 report, it is known that the state-owned business entity suffered a loss of Rp. 67.94 billion from the previous profit of Rp. 167.74 billion in 2019.

Fortunately, this number is below the 2020 estimate of IDR 86.7 billion.

One of the triggers for TWC's loss was the drop in revenue by 77.64 percent from Rp448.91 billion to only Rp100.39 billion.

"The company's health level in 2020 shows a HEALTHY A classification, or has decreased compared to 2019 due to the COVID-19 pandemic," said PT TWC.

Furthermore, the realization of Heritage Park service users (visitors) in the three temples managed by the company during this period was 1.77 million people. This figure is 99.4 percent of the 2020 target of 1.78 million people or 25.9 percent of the 2019 realization of 6.83 million people.

For information, PT Taman Wisata Candi Borobudur, Prambanan and Ratu Boko was born as a form of government concern for efforts to preserve and protect historical and cultural heritage.

This concern is manifested in the form of managing historical heritage areas, especially temples while taking into account environmental, socio-cultural and community aspects, and in line with the main task of supporting the preservation of temple historical heritage.

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