Pertamina Guarantees Safe Distribution Of BBM And Elpiji Not Affected By The Flood In Semarang
Illustration: Officers fill fuel oil (BBM) in residents' vehicles at the Rest Area KM 429 gas station on the Semarang-Solo toll road, Ungaran, Central Java. (Photo: ANTARA)

SEMARANG - Pertamina has ensured that the distribution of fuel oil (BBM) and LPG is not affected by the tidal flood that occurred in the Tanjung Emas Port Area, Semarang City, Central Java.

Interim Area Manager Communication, Relations, and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Central Java Regional PT Pertamina Patra Niaga Marthia Mulia Asri said, there are two LPG terminal facilities located in the Tanjung Emas Port industrial area and a BBM terminal facility located in Pengapon.

According to him, the Optionco and Temporary LPG terminals located in Pengapon were not inundated by the tidal flood.

"Although access to and from LPG skid tanks at the Tanjung Emas Temporary LPG Terminal is hampered due to flooding, LPG distribution can still be carried out from theOptional LPG Terminal so that LPG supply can still run. Fuel distribution from the Pengapon Fuel Terminal is also running normally," Mulia Asri was quoted as saying. from Antara, Tuesday 24 May.

In addition, the Usman Janatin Public Fuel Filling Station (SPBU) which is closest to the port area is operating normally.

"The Bunker Fuel Filling Station (SPBB) 47,501.06 Kopelra located in the Tanjung Emas Port area is quite affected, but currently the stock condition is sufficient to supply the ship's fuel needs for the next three days," said Mulia.

Likewise, bulk LPG filling stations (SPPBE) specifically for subsidized products and non-subsidized LPG agents in the Tanjung Emas area are not affected by tidal flooding.

Marthia appealed to the public not to worry about the supply of fuel and LPG.

"If you need information about products and services from Pertamina, consumers and the public can use the Pertamina Call Center at number 135 or the MyPertamina application," he said.

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