Syailendra's Featured Mutual Fund Now Provides Premium-Free Insurance Bonuses For Investors
Illustration. (Photo: Doc. Syailendra Capital

JAKARTA - PT Syailendra Capital continues to strive to bring innovation to improve the comfort and safety of its customers. Recently, Syailendra Capital's flagship mutual fund, the Syailendra Balanced Opportunity Fund (SBOF), introduced the SBOF Protection Plus program. This program is the result of a good collaboration between PT Syailendra Capital and PT Chubb Life Insurance Indonesia.

Now investment in SBOF products can get the SBOF Protection Plus Program, which means that investors or Syailendra customers are not limited to getting benefits from the performance of SBOF mutual fund products, but also at the same time getting life insurance protection benefits, without the need to pay premiums and without cutting the value of their investment. Through this program, related investors will receive benefits in the form of sum assured when they die due to an illness or due to an accident during the insurance period.

"This protection guarantee is a good opportunity for both parties to expand their business wings. This is also in line with the company's vision to continue to grow and always be adaptive in all situations," said Chubb Life Indonesia President Director, Kumaran Chinan in a written statement, Friday 22 April.

Fajar R. Hidajat, President Director of Syailendara Capital added, "We want to present a product that not only helps customers achieve their financial goals, but also provides comfort and security at the same time.

"Therefore, we continue to innovate in maintaining and improving a good investment experience for our customers," said Fajar.

Meanwhile, Director of Syailendra Capital, Harnugama added, investors can benefit from this program only by buying SBOF through YO! Inves, an online mutual fund application from Syailendra Capital.

The Syailendra Balanced Opportunity Fund (SBOF) is a mixed mutual fund product that invests in Equity Securities and/or Debt Securities.

"This product is the right choice for investors who have medium to long-term investment goals. In addition to providing life insurance benefits, the SBOF product is also one of our mutual funds that has excellent performance," said Harnugama.

For information, the performance of SBOF for the last 3 years recorded a growth of 43 percent. The SBOF's performance managed to beat the average performance of all mixed mutual funds in Indonesia (Infovesta Balanced Fund Index) which was only 7 percent, even the main stock indexes, such as the JCI and LQ45, which only grew by 13 percent and 3 percent, respectively. in the same period.

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