Bamsoet: Down With KKB Papua HAM Later, Bamsoet Also: Prohibition Of Ex-Corruption Convicts Violates Human Rights
Chairman of the MPR Bambang Soesatyo (Source: Antara)

JAKARTA - Chairman of the People's Consultative Assembly (MPR) Bambang Soesatyo has been criticized for his response to the armed criminal group (KKB) in Papua. Bamsoet - his greeting - called for the KKB to be completely annihilated. Human rights affairs (HAM) lately. We remember Bamsoet's stance on human rights, when he poked the General Election Commission (KPU), which at that time wanted to prohibit former corruption convicts from running. KPU should not violate human rights, said Bamsoet.

"To tackle former corruption convicts from exercising their basic rights as citizens to be elected as legislative candidates, in my opinion, it is not wise," said Bamsoet, quoted from Antara, Wednesday, April 28.

Bamsoet's statement came out in May 2018. At that time the KPU was aggressively in the discourse of banning former corruption convicts from running. Bamsoet is one of the critics of the discourse. Bamsoet reminded the KPU about human rights that would be in danger of being violated if the ban was enforced. More than that, Bamsoet also warned that the KPU might run over the law.

In detail, Bamsoet explains the law he means. Is Law Number 7 of 2017 concerning Elections, which regulates that former prisoners who have served a sentence of five years or more have the right to nominate themselves as members of the legislature.

It is true that there is this argument. The law also explains that former convict candidates must announce to the public about the legal cases that have involved him. "Among other things, he must declare honestly that he is a former corruption convict," said Bamsoet.

Chairman of the MPR Bambang Soesatyo (Source: Antara)

Another requirement is that "(ex-convict candidates) are not deprived of their rights by a court decision, have passed a five-year period (if the sentence is more than five years) and show remorse and have good behavior during their detention and do not repeat their actions.”

Bamsoet also criticized the discourse on the ban that was thrown by the KPU as an exaggerated attitude and thick image. The KPU has the potential to exceed its authority if the discourse is realized.

"The KPU's attitude is too excessive in building the image of the institution. Because the Law already regulates the rights of a citizen, including former convicts. And a person's decision to lose their political rights is in the court, not in a regulation that is located under the law. "

"Or if we want, we just amend our constitution so that the KPU is given the right to make laws on their own as well as implement them on their own."

"It is guaranteed in our constitution. Except when the court decides the case to decide the revocation of his political rights. Regarding whether the person concerned (a former corruption convict candidate, ed) will be elected or not, just leave it to the public. "

Down first, HAM later
Military operations in West Papua (Source: Antara)

In 2021, Bamsoet will talk about human rights again. This time with a different subject: KKB Papua. Bamsoet called on the security authorities not to hesitate to lower their full strength to destroy those people who were classified as KKB. Human rights affairs, only recently, said Bamsoet.

The statement was uttered by Bamsoet in response to the death of the Head of BIN for Papua Region, Brigadier General TNI I Gusti Putu Danny Karya Nugraha. Danny was shot dead by KKB from the Lekagak Telengan group. Danny died in Bonega, Puncak Regency, Papua.

"I ask the government and the security apparatus not to hesitate and immediately deploy their full strength to crush the KKB in Papua which has claimed lives again. It will be finished first. We will discuss human rights matters later," said Bamsoet in a press release on Monday, April 26.

Furthermore, Bamsoet warned about the heating up of Papua. KKB, said Bamsoet, has become increasingly unsettling in recent times. Before Danny's death, two deaths had already been recorded: a teacher in Puncak Regency on April 8 and a high school student in Puncak Regency, April 15.

The Free Papua Movement has claimed responsibility for Danny's shooting on Sunday, April 25. West Papua National Army (TNPB) -OPM spokesperson, Sebby Sambom, said Danny was killed by a stray bullet during a gun battle.

"The shooting of the Papua cabin, Brig. Gen. Gusti Putu was shot by a TPNPB stray bullet ... Because the TNI Polri underestimated the TPNPB troops. So all TNI-Polri troops are enemies and become TPNPB targets," Sebby said, as written by CNN Indonesia, Monday, April 26.

Criticize Bamsoet's statement

Amnesty International Indonesia Director Usman Hamid highlighted Bamsoet's statement. According to Usman, Bamsoet's statement was categorized as against international law. Moreover, Bamsoet's statement is also iconic.

"Human rights are a constitutional obligation so they must be a priority in every state policy. Putting aside human rights is not only against international law, but also unconstitutional," Usman Hamid was quoted as saying by VOI, Wednesday, April 28.

Usman, of course, also condemned the extrajudicial killings of the Head of BIN for Papua Region Brigadier General I Gusti Putu Danny Karya Nugraha. And that death should be the last. But on the other hand, Bamsoet's statement is considered to have the potential to trigger an escalation of violence in Papua and West Papua.

The late Brigadier General I Gusti Putu Danny while still serving in Kopassus (Ahmad Fauzi Iyabu / VOI)

"This incident must be made the last one and must not be used as a justification for expanding the security approach that has so far proven ineffective in solving problems in Papua. This only perpetuates the cycle of violence that can sacrifice the community and state apparatus. Human rights speak for the safety of all," Usman Hamid.

Humanitarian approach is not impossible. The government, said Usman Hamid, should learn from the experience in Aceh, how policies are taken on humanity by prioritizing human rights.

"By labeling the Free Papua Organization or OPM as a terrorist group, this policy will only encourage the escalation of the conflict. It must be canceled because it is not in accordance with the principles of a rule of law, as stated in the Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia," said Usman Hamid.

* Read other information about the PAPUA KKB or read other interesting writings from Yudhistira Mahabharata.


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