The Woman Found Dead In The Cisadane River HasSOpe Tatos And Lotus Flower On The Left Dada, Police Chief: Allegedly Victims Of Violence
The dead were evacuated from the Cisadane River/ Photo: IST

TANGERANG - Tangerang City Metro Police Chief, Kombes Zain Dwi Nugroho, suspects that the lifeless woman found in the Cisadane River, Tangerang is a murder victim. Allegedly based on a temporary examination after seeing the victim's condition.

"Meanwhile, we confirm that the victim died as a result of acts of violence against the victim," Zain said in his statement, Wednesday, December 14.

Nevertheless, Zain said that the cause of death was more complete, his party was still waiting for the autopsy results from the Tangerang District Hospital.

"The victim's body has been taken to the Tangerang Regency Hospital for an autopsy, we will convey further developments later," he said.

On the other hand, Zain revealed that the victim was a woman and had the characteristics of a butterfly and lotus image tattoo on the left chest. It is estimated that the victim is 49 years old.

"As for the woman's characteristics on the back of the neck, there is a picture of a butterfly and a lotus flower tattoo on the left chest," he concluded.

Previously, it was reported that a corpse was floating in the Cisadane River, precisely in Berkelir Village, Tangerang, Tangerang City, Wednesday, December 14.

A resident named Dede said that when he was found, he was wrapped in a tied blanket and his head was covered in black plastic and wearing a white shirt.

"There was a package rich as a badcover wrapped, tied with a rope. When he pulled it, it turned out to be a human leg," Dede told reporters at the location, Wednesday, December 14.

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