Apple Launches Free Repair Program For Broken IPhone 12 Speaker
Apple will completely replace the faulty iPhone 12 and 12 pro speakers.

JAKARTA - Apple recently announced a service program to repair failed receivers on the iPhone 12 and 12 Pro. The company says that non-Mini or Max phones made between October 2020 and April 2021 may have an issue where no sound comes out of the earpiece when making or receiving calls and that it will fix the problem for free as part of its new program. According to Apple, the problem was caused by a component in the receiver module that failed.

Apple's page says that only a "very small percentage" of devices may be affected. Although it can be difficult to know what Apple means by "small percentage". But it seems that the earpiece problem isn't as widespread as reports of receiver failures on Reddit or Twitter have only given rise to a few complaints.

However, for those who own this phone, it's good to know that if your earpiece starts working, you'll have another recourse. While all iPhone 12s are still under Apple's one-year warranty, the service plan covers the device for two years after purchase, giving your earpiece an additional year of coverage.

There's one thing to note if you have this problem and want to ship your phone, though: Apple says that if your screen is cracked, it should be fixed before doing a receiver repair. While earpiece repairs won't cost you anything, screen damage repairs can cost you money, so be aware.

Apple also said that phones "will be inspected prior to any service" to ensure they qualify for the program. This likely means that you won't get a free repair if you accidentally damage your phone's receiver such as spilling hot pickle liquid on it.

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