How To Apply For Pre-Employment Card Batch 19
Illustration - Beneficiary residents show Pre-Employment Card (Photo: Antara)

JAKARTA - Registration for Pre-Employment Card batch 19 has been opened since Thursday, August 26. Before registering, complete the pre-employment program registration requirements.

The requirements for applying for a Pre-Employment Card are: Indonesian citizen, at least 18 years old. Not currently attending formal education. Not status as state officials, leaders and members of DPRD, State Civil Apparatus (ASN), TNI soldiers, Polri members, village heads, village officials, directors, commissioners, supervisory boards in state-owned enterprises (BUMN) or regional-owned enterprises.

Not including recipients of other assistance from the government, namely the Ministry of Social assistance (DTKS), recipients of BSU, BPUM, or recipients of the previous wave of Pre-Employment Cards. In addition, it is important to note that in one Family Card there are only two people who can get Pre-Employment assistance.

Ready to register? Follow the steps for registering a Pre-Employment Card below:

1. Go to the page. and make Pre-Employment. If you have previously registered, you do not need to create a new account.

2. Fill in the email address, create a password consisting of at least 6 characters, and confirm the password (retype the password).

3. Then check the statement below, then click "Create Account".

4. Verify the account via the registered email.

5. Open the email and verify it by clicking the link that was sent via email. The Pre-Employment Card account has also been activated.

6. After successfully registering an account and logging into the account, the next page is the account dashboard. However, participants can only continue registration by accessing it via a mobile browser. If participants access using a computer, immediately log in to the account via their respective mobile browsers.

7. Complete your personal data in the form of an ID card, fill in your resident identification number (NIK), Family Card (KK) number, and date of birth, then click "Continue". Make sure the data entered is correct. Also, make sure the full name and the name of the biological mother entered are correct.

8. Upload a photo of your ID card. Make sure to upload photos taken directly from the phone's camera If the data entered is correct.

9. Verify phone number Click "Send" Enter the OTP code that has been sent via SMS to the mobile number. Click "Verify". Then fill in the Registrant's Statement according to the actual conditions.

10. Fill in until it's finished, when it's finished click "OK".

11. Take a Motivational and Basic Ability Test Click "Start Test Now".

12. Select a wave, then click "Join". Next, confirmation of the wave selection will appear. When it is appropriate, click "Yes, Join". A Pre-Employment Agreement will appear containing several statements. Participants must click "I Agree" to be able to proceed to the next stage The registration stage is complete.

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