Want To Hear Surround Sound? Here's How To Connect Your Phone With Two Bluetooth Speakers
Your phone can be connected with two bluetooth speakers at the same time. (photo credit: Howard Bouchevereau/unspalsh)

JAKARTA - Bluetooth devices are now standard. But when you want to get surround sound effects or share your music with others in the same place, with a cable system, all you have to do is buy an inexpensive audio splitter. It turns out that there are several ways in which you can do something similar with a Bluetooth connection.

Connecting multiple Bluetooth speakers or headphones really depends on the equipment you have, and the native Bluetooth version that your phone supports.

For example, Bluetooth v4.2 only supports one-on-one device connection up to a distance of 30 meters. Bluetooth v5, on the other hand, extends the connection up to 120 meters and allows you to pair up to two devices at once. Some speakers from Bose have their own audio app that offers the functionality to pair two speakers at once. However, not all companies provide this convenience.

How to connect two Bluetooth headphones and speakers to one phone

Most phones today allow dual audio capability (on Android) and audio sharing (on iPhone), i.e. the ability to play audio from two devices at the same time. iPhone 8 and above models support the Audio sharing feature.

The first step is to try connecting your headphones and speakers individually to your Bluetooth when you pair them for the first time.

Similarly, if you own a Samsung Galaxy S8 series or later model, then the company offers a Dual Audio option which allows users to pair multiple speakers and headphones at once.

This can be found in Bluetooth Settings. Other users can try this method, provided they have the right equipment:

1. Android users need to open Bluetooth Settings and pair Bluetooth headphones or speakers one by one.

2. Once connected, tap on the three-dot icon on the right and click on Advanced Settings. Enable the 'dual audio' option if it is not already enabled. This will allow users to connect to two devices at once.

3. For users running Android 10 and above, they can access their connected Bluetooth devices by clicking Media in the Quick Panel and selecting both paired devices for audio output.

4. iPhone users need to go to Control Center. Tap the Airplay icon and select paired wireless headphones or speakers to output audio at the same time. Deselecting one of the headphones or speakers will stop sharing the audio on that particular device.

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