This Is How You Can Explore Space Without Having To Board A SpaceX Rocket. It's Free Of Charge!
Space visualization (Screenshots, Chromeexperiments)

JAKARTA - Space tourism seems to be continuing to be heralded by commercial rocket airlines such as SpaceX and its competitor, Blue Origin. Both companies are rumored to be soon taking humans to explore space. Blue Origin has space tourism worth IDR 2.8 trillion.

It seems that a trip to space can only be enjoyed by certain people, considering the cost is not cheap. With that said, there's a free and easy way for anyone who wants to explore space by going to the experiment page of Google Chrome.

Chrome presents a page called "100.000 Stars" for anyone who wants to take a visual journey to stars that space rockets can't reach yet.

Through 100.000 Stars, users will be taken out of the solar system and travel to 100.000 stars around the sun. Users will be faced with stunning visuals of the stars. Previously, Google had documented 100.000 of the star's names.

In order to enjoy that visual journey in space, users just need to get into this: Then, users just have to click on the "Take a tour" option at the top in the left corner of the page. Then the exploration into space will begin.

First of all, the user will be taken to the center of the solar system, namely the Sun. After that, the user will be taken a number of planets around it. Google will take us away from the Sun.

Users will be invited to the stars around the sun such as Sirius, Proxima Centauri, Kruger 60, Altair, Bernard's Star, and other stars. Google will also show you the distance between stars in a matter of light-years.

If the "tour" is completed, then the user will be able to explore more deeply about the solar system and the stars. Users only need to scroll through the center of their mouse to enable both zoom-in and zoom-out.

According to Open Culture, all the data in the space visualization comes from the United States Space Agency (NASA) and the European Space Agency (ESA). The background music of the Chrome Experiment was arranged by the game Mass Effect composer. The game is a space adventure game.

The English, Chinese, Japanese, Arabic, and French versions are automatically generated by the AI. So there may still be inaccuracies in translating, please always see Indonesian as our main language. (system supported by